Texting Expert & TextPlus Community Director Drew Olanoff Talks About Charlie Sheen Getting by Text!

When last I spoke to Drew Olanoff, Director of Community at Textplus.com about a year ago.. we were aghast at the thought of asking someone for a date via text. Yawn!! The difference a year makes. That attitude is so “old school” now.. and people are doing it all the time. I text my BFF’s and say let’s meet up for lunch, cocktails, whatever. I text other people to ask the what they are doing. My text conversations can be 3 texts long or 200 + long. It all depends on the person and the topic.

Talking to Drew Olanoff is always interesting, entertaining and a learning experience. This time we have hit a hot topic of how Charlie Sheen got bounced by his girlfriend via text message. One might think about why would someone be so cold to do that. Think about it– it’s Charlie Sheen!! Would you want to approach him and tell him ‘buh -bye’ to his face? Not so much, me thinks.

So the discussion turned beyond Charlie Sheen. (even I got so bored with the videos and stuff that was being sent to me that I just trashed them — and him) Let’s talk about why texting seems to be the choice du jour for communicating. Typically, unless it’s a FRIEND or good acquaintance, I don’t text anyone. I do actually email or pick up the phone. (really! I do that.) However, if it’s a friend, I have no problems texting them all kinds of comments..


i’m a geek, Director of Community for textPlus and you can see my tweets at @thatdrew (formerly @drew on twitter), and downloadsquad. Oh and you can blame my cancer for stuff.

Here’s a video from an interview Drew Olanoff did on why, how teens text so much:

The bottom line is that 1) it’s private (relatively speaking) 2) it’s instantaneous– someone really can’t say they didn’t get it. (though I beg to differ on some counts. I had one instance where I didn’t get a text because my phone was off. Go figure that one out) 3) you will have someone’s attention.. but maybe not the “instant” answer that you need.

I definitely want to continue this conversation with Drew and now he’s given me e-book #2 to write. I promise I will get started on both suggestions because it’s important for people to realize just what is appropriate in texting (and what can backfire — which is what that football player found out when he sent sext messages and inappropriate photos to someone).
Check out the podcast.

Follow Drew on textplus.com

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