Having Issues with Relationships, Communications, Discussions & Electronics ? Blame It On Mercury Retrograde!

Libby Patterson is well-known for her fragrance creation but she’s also known as a very astute astrologer. As we are winding up this month, we end it with a mecury in retrograde as well as a shadow that could last as long as 2 weeks. Here’s Libby’s spin on all of this!

As I write this astrology bulletin, that wll encapsulate the new season, that we are about to complete: know, please that it is a gate we have been passing through, a threshold, which we are being asked to trust.

We are in the thick of a mercury retrograde, and the new moon in aries has just finished. The crackle pop of the new fire sign matches well with our dragon of the year and we get a wholly new energy stamp with which to create. The big news is that venus conjuncts jupiter in taurus around the equinox, expanding romance, beauty and finances.

Hang onto all your ideas; keep a dream journey going where you re-enter the dream the next night and continue your lucid dreaming, between worlds. By months end we are beginning our way back through mercury’s shadow for most of April. No signing of contracts until late April–after around the 23rd or so. The Full Moon around Easter which is April 8th will bring the Christ Consciousness of rebirth and the overlay of all spiritual paths, into unity.

As we thaw out from winters chill, and reawaken our hearts desire, we will be met with a Beltane frolic in April. For the next six weeks and within all the cacaphony of crazy alignments in the stars, seek to allow a new beginning of sprouts where the seeds you planted last winter, will now come up above the soil surface.

Jupiter danced her way through mid points in Taurus, ruled by the feminine aspects of Venus. ALL is fertile now. Use that knowledge, and wisdom to create all anew.

Pluto retrogrades at 9 capricorn, on the 11th of April–demanding we find a fresh outlet for all of our deep internal fire. Channel this appropriately, for such as through sports, epic lovemaking or cooking!

Pisces people will be just beginning a new cycle, that will last for many years to come, so don’t let the aries energies intimidate you into rushing anything, especially love affairs. The fire sign people (Aries, Leos and Saggitarius) will feel a renewal, and will be able to pick up on projects that they have in progress, like it is all fresh.

Air signs (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius) time to line up all your ideas, that will launch a couple months from now, when we move into late may. that vacation for instance, plan it now.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) anchor in the season thru the portals of expansion and Jupiter. You may attract partners now or business magnets for your idea. Stay alert! Anything is possible.

Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer) learn how to breathe on land. Ground your floaty ideas now–as fire is the season. A tea kettle comes to mind. Steam is a wondeful way for water signs to see their ideas entering the world. To give them extra energy, drink more tea.

Whatever your sign, you should be feeling that this mercury retro gives you the opportunity to clean up the past by revisiting. So dont be surprised when people from you past re-enter your grid. They may be back for good, or simply to clear the air of the past so you both can move forward.

Hopefully that starts to make some sense to you and as we approach the shift of leaving the retrograde (yet remain in the shadow) there is much to think about.

For more detailed and private MAP SESSION with Libby Patterson, Master Perfumer, and Astrologer contacts are below. Get your intention clear, with a map session with astrologer Libby Patterson, who has been doing charts and tarot since 1975. Work in session with Libby throughout the year to determine which approaches are best to get your projects, love and all your goals on track. Libby likes to work with clients every six weeks. From the discovery, she then formulates a *perfume recommendation* to work with in meditation with arising, abiding and the back to source paradigm alignments. Libby works with the cycles of the moon in her calendaring, and sourcing.

You can reach Libby Patterson for her fragrance creation or her astrological acumen easiy!

Libby Patterson Master Perfumer offers a variety of services. Scent is a luxury that defines who we are. Having your own unique signature couture scent designed using the ultimate in luxe eco botanicals is perfect as a gift for you or a loved one

Master Perfumer, Photographer, Filmmaker, Consultant
Web: http://web.mac.com/libbypattersonBlog: http://aphrodisiacsfortheboudoir.blogspot.comBlog: http://libbypatterson.wordpress.com
Tumblr: http://libbypatterson.tumblr.com/Skype: Libby.Patterson
FaceBook: Libby Patterson Organics, The Perfume Doctor,

Thank you to Libby Patterson for her insight and comments on how you can navigate the last of the Mercury Retrograde.

Stevie Wilson,

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