Tarot for Week of 11/27-12/3; Tarot for Day 1 (11/27): Mercury Retrograde + More!!

As we head out of November and into December, Mercury goes retrograde and we’ve got a Super Full Moon to go with it.  Those happen when the Moon is close to the Earth in orbit so they appear unusually large, although the size of the moon hasn’t changed.  How perfect for the theme of this week.  Emily Trinkhaus labeled this week’s lunar theater the ‘Wound of Perception’ and it fits beautifully.  Mercury goes Retrograde at the very last degrees of Sagittarius with Saturn this coming weekend, which encourages a wiser view that can stand the test of time.
Because Neptune the cloudy planet of connection, illusion, and disillusion is at odds with both the Sun and Moon, you have a chance to see where you’ve used logic to disconnect you from what matters more than common sense.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of common sense.  My complaint about it is we often use it where it does less good and doesn’t apply it to where it can do the most good.  Here’s one example.  Friends strongly advised me against a relationship years ago with a man who had an enormously complicated life and challenges with relationships.  Common sense said it couldn’t possibly work out.  They weren’t wrong, common sense is mostly based on real facts.
But here’s what they missed.  I did get involved with him and while we didn’t wind up happily ever after as a romantic couple, he became one of my best friends.  We cheered each other on through some dark days, shared some very difficult human moments and added a word or two of wisdom for each other with love when it was needed most.  His friendship made a big impact in my life in too many ways to list.  Had I listened to their wise advice, I would have missed out on thirteen years of this wonderful man in my life.
I share this personal story, something I do rarely because this Super Full Moon you can examine what you know to be True in your heart versus what you know to be intelligent choices.  This can be work, friends, family or love.  It’s time to understand where a fear of being hurt by an imagined outcome (Neptune’s shadow) keeps you from experiences that bring you far more than they cost.  Adjust the lens and take some heart-smart trade-offs when you trust you can handle the problems that accompany the things you really love.
How you tell yourself the story of what something means is crucial to seeing what a banquet you have to feast on with clearer eyes.  Trust how you feel more than just what you think.  Use your mind to help you navigate how to make it a better risk instead of your mind being a Stop Sign.  Instead, use it to determine how and when rather than what you choose to do.  For the what, you are better off when you feel your way first.  The Cards and the Stars can help.

P.S. If you are seeing this and you don’t normally get my weekly updates, it’s because this week was so important I wanted everyone to have good guidance to weather the bumps for the days ahead. So enjoy and if you want this delivered to you instead of checking back, you can get that for less than $.50 a week. Get yours here

Lisa Greenfield’s Video Reading:

Monday is the ONLY day this week that the embed of Lisa Greenfield’s Video Forecast will be shown on this blog. You can find it at Truthinhand.com as well as youtube.com. Every other day of this week, you will find a link back to this LA-Story.com post on this week’s readings from Lisa Greenfield!

Tarot card for week of 11/27 -12/3: Blasted Oak


The Blasted Oak is the card that burns away illusion and gives lightning bolts of understanding.  The Super Full Moon later this week offers up benefits from those jolts so you break free of sticky places that still see the world from a young and helpless view.  You are neither of these anymore and have your own empathy and courage for an inner mother and father to get you through whatever is in your life.
Now it’s time to tackle adding more enjoyment with whatever appears in your life.  The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is the attitude you have while it happens.  If you hear that and it floats in as trite and a bit of an eye-roll, I understand your indifference.  That’s because you’ve experienced this truism from a mental perspective.  Now try an emotional one instead.  When something really gets to you this week, try to give it some love.  Really make an effort to put your heart into it and find something you truly can feel grateful for in that moment.  Gratitude is proven to have neurological and biological benefits along with some pretty powerful reframes where all kinds of options become visible.  Try it, what have you got to lose but a bad mood

Tarot for Day One: Three of Arrows


The two feminine planets Moon and Venus get together with the big boys, Pluto and Uranus to shake things up today. Mercury and Saturn pair up with the Moon and Chiron, and sudden breakups a fresh perspective on breakups and heartache.  Yep, those historic moments where you felt spectacularly unlovable are going to get a makeover and boy, will you prefer the view.  This is what happens when the Blasted Oak shows up with the card of sorrow and loss.  You break up with your breakups.  Old resentments and grudges can slip away as you replace them with trust that everything that happened can and does benefit you.  You’ve already had the pain, why not allow yourself to finally see where you also gained.  Whether it was s a job, friend or lover that broke your heart in the past, be prepared to let go of suffering over it.  Now that’s a breakthrough that makes risks more worthwhile.

Take Action:
Bask in the way it feels when you shed the burden of those past heartaches.

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at www.TruthinHand.com


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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!
This is an amazing week. Circle back to reread the posts for this week.

Thanks for tuning into this session of Lisa Greenfield’s Tarot and Astrology readings for the week!
Stevie Wilson,

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