Lisa Greenfield Offers Insight on Card of the Week + Day 1 Card! Watch Her Video! 12/04-10!

This week begins with Mercury retrograde and major planetary movements that start to shake things up.  Whether you like it or hate it has more to do with how attached you are to old ideas of how to succeed, influence and experience your world.  If you are open and curious, there is an adventure ahead.  One you will remember for years to come as a turning point.  This Mercury Retrograde sits with Saturn, The Great Teacher, which means this change is well timed and one that serves you for the long haul.  Because Mars the action planet is opposite Uranus, you pay a high price if you keep trying to do the same things, the same way.
Since Saturn is involved, though, you can’t rush to decide what is the exact right action.  It requires you try one new thing, see how it fits.  When a situation serves up the need for you to act, pay attention to all the different components.  Do you understand more than a surface reaction when it comes to what motivates you?  Discover where you can get to a better place than knee jerk responses.  It’s your choice and this month when you get too puffed up with being right and want others to see it or do it your way there’s adjustments that may not feel too comfortable.
Instead of the sense of being right, look for the place where the actions that serve your interests can be aligned with what can also improve the situation to make it right for more than just you.  This is a long term winning combination.  Thinking your way to this place will only get you so far.  Bring your intuitive sense, your heart and then your body along for a ride – don’t let your mind hold everyone else hostage.  Then take it a step at a time.  This next year community and group solutions are highlighted rather than a solo hero or heroine’s journey.
But it’s a new kind of community that is emerging with Pluto going through Capricorn.  The old structure of pecking order, hierarchy and class consciousness is toppling, but not without a fight.  There’s nothing so good at consolidating opposition as excess and power struggles are abundant everywhere you look.  In governments, rich versus poor, religion, battle between masculine and feminine.  The good news is that this month we get a chance to dig deeper on what we believe and why we feel that it’s the best belief system.  It won’t be comfortable and you may find some of the values dear to you are simply a container that no longer really fits what is going on within you or the world around you.  Stay open to explore or the shake up will rattle more than your teeth.  The Cards and the Stars will help.

P.S. If you are seeing this and you don’t normally get my weekly updates, it’s because this week was so important I wanted everyone to have good guidance to weather the bumps for the days ahead. So enjoy and if you want this delivered to you instead of checking back, you can get that for less than $.50 a week. Get yours here

Lisa Greenfield’s Video Reading:

Monday is the ONLY day this week that the embed of Lisa Greenfield’s Video Forecast will be shown on this blog. You can find it at as well as Every other day of this week, you will find a link back to this post on this week’s readings from Lisa Greenfield!

Tarot card for week of 12/4 -12/10: The SUN



This is the most positive card in the deck and promises gradual change, like the days that grow longer bit by bit.  The shadow side of this is present in the Full Moon we just experienced and our wounded ego.
The opportunity this week is to find out how to bring light to your own shadows and when you do share it to encourage others to do the same.  It may sound relatively small and easy, but I wager you’ll be surprised at the impulse to dig in and be right.  That’s just so you can see where and how this happens.  Now that you see it, introduce small changes.  One situation at a time you start to move in a more pleasing direction.  The better news is you’ll have some fine company when you operate from this guideline. There is less struggle, more harmony and even some fun while things get stirred up and mixed around.  It brings hope to the journey and the promise of additional sunshine ahead.  This card promises your inner guidance system is your best asset when in murky waters or unfamiliar territory.  You get a chance to tell the difference between your fears and your intuition while you are at it.

Tarot for Day One: Four of Arrows


The fours always ask or caution you to put things on a firm foundation.  This mental Four of Arrows with the Sun stresses letting things happen rather than an attempt to make something happen.  Ease and grace, no rush to judge or respond is underlined today.  It is actually a fantastic benefit to carry with you the rest of the week.  With so much celestial activity that mirrors the creative chaos in today’s world, when in doubt, pause.  Take a breath.  What we notice first is whatever reminds us of past threats or dangers.  That’s our survival system.  But it isn’t the whole picture.  Pause.  Let the rest of the information get in to add to that story.  See where you have help, support, inner strength from where you’ve learned as you survived those past traumas.  Ah, now breathe all the way out and in again.  There… now you can feel your way forward from a still, informed place.

Take Action:
Practice the Breath of Love today (and all week as needed) whenever you get triggered or busy.

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at


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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!
This is an amazing week. Circle back to reread the posts for this week.

Thanks for tuning into this session of Lisa Greenfield’s Tarot and Astrology readings for the week!
Stevie Wilson,

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