Pardon Our Dust!! is MOVING!!


If you aren’t seeing quite the way you usually see it, there’s a very good reason! has moved to a new location (host) and also has gotten a little bit of a facelift.


What that means is:
1) You are seeing a presentation at this moment that needs some clean-up and rearranging.

2) I won’t be posting for 2-3 days to make sure things are a bit more organized.


Craziness is running rampant thanks to all the changes. We promise we will polish the rough edges and make it look better than the last version. 

Please bear with us as we get things situated a bit more. You will see little tweaks over the next few weeks as we iron out bumps and blunders!

I do promise that this will be better than the last version!!

Hugs, Kisses and Have a cocktail for me.  We haven’t quite found the cocktail shaker yet. 


Stevie Wilson 



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