REDKEN + Cutler Salon's Giovanni Giuntoli Shares Bridal Hair Tips!! Fashiontrbes Beauty Buzz Blog and PODCAST!!

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As we head into June, it’s become more of the "wedding" season and as summer really emerges, that’s a crucial time when weddings + beauty+ hair could possibly = problems or even disaster– but not if you plan things in advance!

Meet Hair Stylist and "miracle worker" Giovanni Giuntoli, from the Cutler Salon in NYC and Redken Stylist! This man is a virtual bridal miracle worker who can have you looking gorge, glorious and phenomenal from the moment you walk out of the salon on your wedding day to the time your head hits the pillow that night (or next morning…)

He’s got great tips, ideas and suggestions for you to think about and use when preparing for your "big day" . If you are planning on using a hair stylist, start early with the inteviews and the planning.

Take digital photos of you in your dress and veil and make sure that you have some photos of the dresses for the bridesmaids dresses. 

Talk about your hair and bring in photos of what you would like to have your hair look like on that day.

Ask questions of your stylist. Ask for references or a book of previous bridal hair styles they have created.

Most definitely you want a  test drive with the veil to make sure that everything works and will "hold" all day. When you do that "test drive" make sure you have a digital camera with you to take photos of all "sides" of the hair style since it might be a month or longer before you see the stylist again. You want your stylist to be able to easily replicate the style that was previously done and having photos of front, back, top, and both sides will help the stylist give you the gorgeous hair style that you want.

Just in case you want to do some of this yourself, Giovanni knows that it can be done! Here are some products that he recommends for brides– and anyone else who wants gorgeous hair that lasts all day–whether you use a stylist or not!

Listen to the podcast and learn WHY he suggests these products and how to use them because Giovanni is a master at what he does. He’s FABULOUS!! I had the best time talking to him. We were on the phone for 30 minutes just talking about Hawaii before we even started the podcast.. (ok… so I like to talk to interesting people.. and Giovanni is so cool)

Redken GUTS to make hair have the volume and ability to hold the stylea at the  roots and provide volumen.

Redken Spray Starch is crucial when you are using blow dryers, flat irons or curling tools. According to Giovanni,"Don’t forget to apply a heat protectant  like Redken spray starch 15 heat memory styler. " It will help add shine while it protects with a potato starch extract protein and will retain the style.

Redken Vinyl Glam  is an instant gloss with a lightweight formula that
provides vinyl-like shine and clean control without being sticky or heavy. It’s gorgeous on hair!!

Redken FORCE 23 is a super strong finishing spray that will give your style the strength to last all day– providingn lift, shpae and frizz-free shine. It gives you 8 hours of control and isn’t sticky. The unique technology controls frizz while giving you touchable shiny hair with 24 hour humidity resistance. How’s that for fantastic?

Now that your shopping list is just about complete, for those who are in the NY/NJ area, you might want to make an appointment to see Giovanni at the Cutler Salon. Check out the podcast for details. He’s fabulous! He’s fun and he’s easy to work with.

Plus he’s a wizard at making brides look beautiful all day.

See you at the wedding!


Beauty Buzz.


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