Well Above Aveage Talks About Being a Swag Whore

If you haven’t read Well Above Average , you are missing a lot.
Stella and I go “way back” –back to the days of the early sites for women on the net– and there were a huge group of women from across the country and around the globe who knew each other.
We bonded over the love of all things beauty related and given what I shared with Stella– she’s obviously done a great job writing about it.
Beauty editors get sent a LOT of stuff– some of which I can obviously try, others which I can’t (due to contrary nature of my skin or hair or product type.) so I hand it off to others to test drive. Still we beauty junkies get a lot of stuff to try and I believe in sharing the wealth
Jelly Pong Pong– what a great name and a great line. Small packaging makes it eminently portable .
Slenderella is cool. I got two of these type of products and since I have darker coloring than Stella , I took the darker one. LOVE it!! This is a stain that works for cheeks and lips. It’s more pigmented than you might think…. but it works as a highlighter in lighter shades too.
The shadows are pretty nifty and have a nice amount of pigment and have fun names (and trust me, they are *fun* sexy girlie names) Single and Lovin’ It are fab shadows and while I didn’t even open them, I guessed what the colors were based on the names but who knows what they are – (Nipple Twist? What color is that? Cookie Crumb you can guess it’s either bicuit color or it’s chocolate brown)
Here’s one of the newer products from Jelly Pong Pong

These Soap Shower Popsicles look fabulous! YUMMY but don’t eat them.
You know one of the joys of being a *fairy godmother* is to share and let someone else have the fun because they can tell ME about something cool like that Baobob Body Balm which I didn’t even open but heard it was delish.. My problem is that I fall in love — or maybe it is LUST– with lots of things (*yeah yeah.. more than just martinis, shoes, handbags, jeans, earrings and guys — though not necessarily in that order)

The best part of giving is knowing that or hoping that the other person will love it.. But either way if they get a chance to try something for free– and write a smidge about it, that’s pretty nifty. After all, it’s truly like Christmas or a birthday at some oddball time of the year.
I love sharing the wealth and given that Stella helps me with more than occasional tech issues, I figure why the heck not give her a bunch of girly foo-foo stuff to play with!! She’s a good friend. I love her blog– I find it very funny because I don’t watch all those tv shows. I don’t have to watch them. I just read her blog and know what’s cooking!
Stevie Wilson

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One thought on “Well Above Aveage Talks About Being a Swag Whore

  1. Thank you so much for your wonderful write up on our products. You brought a real smile to my face this morning.
    If ever you would like any more samples to try, then please do not hesitate to contact me, as i would be delighted to send you some.
    Kindest regards,

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