Who Is Chris Abraham? A Man with a Mission: Celibate for a Year!

Who the heck is Chris Abraham and how did he get to be such a * known quantity*?
Check out his blogs (try www.chrisabraham.com) and check him out on Facebook. .
Abraham has a lot more blogs than just the one and I checked them out along with his posts on Facebook and somewhere along the way the mention about his year-long moratorium on sex came up.
The thud you heard back in September was my jaw dropping on the floor.
When was the last time you heard a guy talk about taking a break from sexual encounters? When was the last time you heard someone put it *out there* that they were taking a break or going celibate for a year?
Sorry, but this was a staggering idea for me and I needed and wanted to get this notion clearly understood from the guy who is very much a dominant male of the human species type.
I sent some comments, he responded back –honestly and candidly. Such candor is refreshing– and it’s obivous in the podcast below that I asked Chris if he would be willing to put his money where his keyboard and blog are– and go on the record live with me on the phone for all of you to hear.
So sit back in that chair and get comfortable. It’s an 11 minute podcast roughly and there is a part 2 podcast as well. Relax and enjoy. Do note that I did do some editing on this because I have a bi-partisan audience in every sense and essence of the word to keep it short, to the point and most of all to let Chris have his time and get his voice heard– and not mine so much.

So boys and girls– and girls realize this man is single…. and celibate til 1/1/08-… and he will be in the US often– let me know what you think. Stay tuned for part 2.
I am not saying much because I think that it’s best Chris Abraham do all the talking
Stevie Wilson

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2 thoughts on “Who Is Chris Abraham? A Man with a Mission: Celibate for a Year!

  1. that’s part of what I do.. make everyone look good… and yes I took out all the pauses and I took out a lot of my superfluous comments because really it’s about YOUR choice..
    and we all want to know what it is that drives a man to do this. Some questioned if you really are celibate.. and if you will make the right choices after it’s over..
    interesting thought that.. but then that’s the next podcast

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