Turn Flab Into Fab with Fluidity: New Year, New You, New Perspective!

Holiday food, treats, and drinks have a way of sneaking up on you– and you find out the hard way –when trying on clothes. You don’t even have to get on a scale to know you have put on weight. Given the time of the holidays – and the weather experienced across the US –( unless you are below the equator– lucky you), it’s not exactly been encouraging one to go out and workout.
Well that’s what videos and home equipment are made for– to get fit and workout at home!
What should you try? Here’s something that’s not exactly the newest thing on the block but slowly it’s grown to be quite popular in health clubs across the country– Fluidity.
Created by Michelle Austin, this is the newest evolution that combines a bit of pilates, yoga, and dance moves into one *vertical* workout with an eminently portable ballet/workout barre that’s capable of accomodating up to 300 pounds of weight. It’s about creating a workout that’s makes you functionally fit– one that works vertically as well as horizontally — with flexibility and strong body that works well– with flat abs, lean muscle mass and the ability to handle all sorts of tasks easily with grace and fluidity of a dancer.

Michelle and I were recently on the phone (and we go back a few years as she was launching Fluidity so reconnecting was fun), and we talked about the changes in the fitness marketplace. What people want is a flexible, fluid workout that combines strength, flexibility and cardio workout into one workout that makes it easier to fit into your day.
According to Austin (and as seen on her site here)
Fluidity works the body the way nature intended. When you
stand up and use your own body weight for resistance, you
engage all of your muscles to work together.
The result? You develop strength, proportion and flexibility from
head to toe, creating a longer and leaner look.

Traditional weight training often isolates one muscle at a time.
The result? Isolation leads to muscle imbalance. Muscle im-
balance creates a thicker, bulkier appearance and increases
your risk of injury.
Pilates exercises often isolate specific muscles in the lower
body because when you lie down, you are no longer in a whole-body,
weight-bearing exercise.
The result? Because you can’t work the body in unison, you isolate
– rather than integrate – muscles, developing muscle imbalance and
making it impossible to develop the proportionate legs and seat of a
dancer’s body. By not working your upper body, your core and your
lower body all at the same time, you lose the effectiveness and
efficiency of a whole-body, weight-bearing exercise.

Here’s the Fluidity machine above. It will work every muscle group and help you get leaner muscles, flatter abs, burn calories, firm up the butt and thighs. This machine comes with DVDS , ball, bands and pump. There is one extra DVD for butt and thighs one can buy as well.
From what I have heard on videofitness.com , this is a workout device that is eminently portable, easy to use and will give you results.

Personally, I am pretty fit. Having done a lot of different workout regimens, I am currently into pilates – with mat, ball, reformer, band, and ring workouts. I am going to give this machine a test drive. Let’s see how it works out– in real life. I want to get a more integrated functional fitness that works my body a bit harder and gives me muscle integration that I lacking in some areas of my body.
Want to get functionally fit and find a flatter abs, a stronger body and long lean dancer’s body?
Come join me — as I test drive the Fluidity workout for 30 days. Check in with me — ask me questions, talk to me, and I will update on how I am doing. I will cover the DVDS, the ease of the workout and how my body is functioning and feeling before and after the workout!!
Stevie Wilson

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One thought on “Turn Flab Into Fab with Fluidity: New Year, New You, New Perspective!

  1. I love my Fluidity bar, it’s almost two years now, and I stay in shape, I am not fat at all I have a very nice body, but as you get older it gets harder to keep nice curves and using my fluidity bar keeps me cut.

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