New Year, New You: 2009 Means a Better Year & a Better YOU! LA-Story Recessionista

According to the emagazine, . publisher Anne Dimone gives you some tips for framing 2009 to be a great year (and yes it can be much better than last year) in her list of “10 Easy, Inexpensive Resolutions for a Healthier New Year” from the newsletter she just launched.

Here’s the list (bolded) and my comments in regular type .
1. I will start my day with a cup of hot water flavoured with a squeeze of fresh lemon.
Works well if you have some tea to it as well — decaf works. I like fresh lemon but this might not work for all on an empty stomach or if you are on medication. Ask your doc if this would be ok.
2. I will eat fish at least twice a week.
Try to avoid the ones with higher mercury levels– meaning my fave: swordfish. If the salmon start running again, go for salmon. If they don’t, try the relatively less expensive red snapper and tilapia. Go canned if you can– because it’s just as good as the fresh stuff. Frozen is better for you than fresh- depending on how far you are from the seacoast.
3. Three times a week, I will take a brisk walk of at least 20 minutes.
Get really gutsy and do it daily: spilit it into 2 x 10 minute walks during your break time and skip the cigarettes & coffee. Take water instead!
4. Whenever possible, I will take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator.
In most 2 + story establishments, you find me walking the stairs and not the elevator. if I can do it, you can too.
5. Once a day I will acknowledge one thing I am thankful for.
Being aware of the good things in your life helps you become more positive about your life and where it’s going. The more positive you are, the more positive your life will become.
6. At least once a month, I will spend time with a friend who makes me laugh and/or makes me feel good about myself.
Suggestion: the more often you spend time with people who make you smile, laugh, or giggle , the happier you will be. Being around people who really like you and are making you laugh (laughter is good for stress reduction and happiness gain) is an activity you want to increase
7. I will practice saying “I can do that” instead of “I can’t do that.”
Stress your positive aspects, not the negative. If you think you can’t, you won’t achieve it. If you think you can, you can be surprisingly successful– which in terms reduces stress and improves self-esteem and self-worth.
8. Whenever I am feeling stressed I will pause and take a deep breath.
Take two breaths– they are cheap. Just pause, close your eyes, breath deeply to expand your lungs to the fullest capacity (expanding the lungs to the back rather than the chest).
9. I will get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night.
Most research indicates that Americans don’t get enough rest. If you don’t get enough rest, you will find yourself less productive and actually eating MORE– thus gaining weight. Instead, get more rest and relaxation and lose weight — naturally!

10. I will look to the future instead of reviewing the past.

Look forward to the things you want to achieve and believe/see/know that you can achieve them (doesn’t mean it will happen immediately) , but also know that the more you look back, the more you are “stuck” in the past.
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Stevie Wilson

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