Fitness Pro & Author Jenn Zerling Provides “7 Days-7 Tools to Work On Continuously:” From Her New Book!

Jenn Zerling, MS, CPT, founder of JZ Fitness,

adds author to her credentials with the launch of her book Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools


SEVEN Days, seven tools & tips to work on continuously– so that you get healthy & fit!

Excerpted from her book, JZ speaks directly to YOU who need to get healthier, fitter, and eat better quality foods.

Unclutter Your Life: Chapter One:
Uncluttering your life means getting rid of the clutter that distracts you from getting healthier. Clutter keeps people in a dieting cycle for years with no end in sight. If you don’t address the root of your problems, then you’ll never succeed at long term weight loss. Clutter keeps you disorganized which causes personal chaos. Who can succeed at anything with chaos in their lives? This is why it’s time to dump the trash and pick one day of each week to unclutter your life! Throughout the week, work on uncluttering your life by embracing the first four tools in Br

1) Sunday: Unclutter Your Car (Tool #3) from Chapter 1, Uncluttering your Life:

Every Sunday, before beginning a new week, check to see that your car or truck is clean. That means checking to see that water bottles and wrappers are off the floor, the seats are free of crumbs, the windows are clear and your trunk is presentable. Driving to work in a clean vehicle calls for a clean and healthy week ahead of you. Plan your work and work your plan!

2) Monday: Ditch the High-Glycemic Carbohydrates (Tool #68):

For the entire work week, you should plan on packing the right meals to bring along with you to work, containing the right type of nutrition. Once you ditch the sugar spike causing carbs, your cravings for sugar decline and your energy levels increase. Most dieters fail due to their low energy, feeling of chronic hunger, and lack of results. When you cut bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals and sweets out of your plan, you reap the rewards of positive changes within the first month. Beyond that, you learn to keep your nutrition honest to a low glycemic plan with an emphasis on lean proteins, low glycemic carbohydrates, lots of water and some healthy fats. Overall, this will cut down on your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

3) Tuesday: Practice Yoga (Tool #6):

After Monday, many people feel the treachery of a long week ahead. Change your thoughts and you will change your week. Practicing yoga allows you to dive into your week with good fitness, flexibility and meditation practices. Yoga invites you to listen to your body, it creates a sound mind, releases bad energy, helps reduce tension and pain, and helps you open up your heart to the world. What an excellent way to spend a Tuesday. You may practice yoga on a daily basis or at least 2-3 times a week.

4) Wednesday: Perform Interval Training (Tool #43):

High intensity interval training (HIIT) rocks the socks off any other cardiovascular program I know of. It improves your cardiovascular systems, burns fat, improves natural hormone production and burns through sugar. You do not need to do interval training for longer than 30 minutes if you’re limited on time. I get it; time is money! Choose a treadmill, Spin class, elliptical, or even the rowing machine. Whatever method you choose, you want to start out with a 5 minute warmup, and then proceed to the interval loop that suits your fitness levels. Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools contains interval programs to choose from. You should do interval training at least 3 times a week.

5) Thursday: Keep a Daily Food Journal (Tool #28):

Although this tool is on a Thursday, it allows you to reflect on whether or not you’ve been keeping a journal for the week. Keeping a food journal will help you lose weight. It will hold you accountable for truthful meal intake and map out what’s going on each day-the type of exercise you did, how much fluid you consumed, and how much sleep you got each night. Keeping a journal forces you to record the truth, unless you consciously decide to negate some of the truth. But then again, who are you fooling, right?

6) Friday: Ditch the Alcohol (Tool #19):

At the end of the week or even during the week, you may rely on alcohol to calm down your mind after a long and hard work week. However, alcohol doesn’t offer your body any nutritional value and it also disrupts sleep. Poor sleep leads to cravings for sugar the next day which will throw you off your healthy path of proper nutrition. Alcohol never solves your problems either. Finding an outlet that helps cope with your issues more effectively will only enhance your quality of life! Dive into a new outlet on a Friday night instead. Go bowling or hiking. You can even treat yourself to a therapeutic massage (Tool #35) after a long work week.

7) Saturday: Welcome the Change (Tool #13):

Change is hard to undergo in anything we do in life. However, it reinvents who we are as people. How we embrace change is a strong indication of our true character. In your quest to attaining a healthy way of life, you must open up your mind to what living a healthy lifestyle means. My beautiful mother, who is finally changing her lifestyle to a healthier way of life, claims that it is still challenging for her to attend parties with poor food choices or be amongst people who are not engaging in change. Though this may be true, you deserve to be strong for yourself by taking a day, such as Saturday, to reflect on how you’ve changed your week to incorporate more physical activity, better nutrition, more sleep, better stress management and an overall open mind to change. This is what mom does. Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools is an excellent workbook to help you through this change.

About the book

Our very fast pace culture requires our attention to scatter into the universe, which leaves little attention left for ourselves. My theory is that our fast pace society is causing our nation to be chained up to the perils of poor health habits. Being in a fast pace society also causes us to deviate from our own bodies and out of our own minds. When people learn how to use the tools offered in my book, then they will break their chains of being overweight. I have read many diet books over the last 10 years and not too many of them seem to offer the “how to’s” for taking immediate action. My goal is to help the student (formally known as the dieter) embody the lifestyle that allows them to combat over-eating due to stress, depression, comfort, childhood comfort, or cultural habit. There are too many students out there who are racing to the finish line of their own demise and don’t even know it. People must learn that chronic dieting never works. Addressing the core problems that cause people to be fat is the first step to changing poor behaviors.

Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 tools is an invitation to move towards self realization which will in the end help people lose weight if they use the tools. When people love themselves, they take care of themselves. This requires a stronger commitment to change, not just cutting calories and neglecting themselves of comfort and familiarity. People need new outlets to help them escape from their daily stressors. If comfort food is taken away, then what’s left?

Having a handy toolbox will help create new opportunities to stave off the stressors that would normally cause a person to eat! At the end of each tool, the student will then complete the exercises which contain questions that reflect on the tool they just read. By filling out each exercise question, the student can develop a plan of action for themselves. I offer people both support and love as they embark on a new chapter in their lives in my book. Everyone must find a higher level of motivation for themselves and work at it every single day, one day at a time.

Thanks to JZ for her great insights and her amazing site. Do NOT forget to go check it out. She’s got all kinds of great, helpful content that will help you break those bad habits; establish new good healthy habits; and look & feel better!

Breaking the Chains of Obesity, 107 Tools is available at or which is through

Stevie Wilson,

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