Sass Ashe Gets Serious about New Year’s Resolutions: Get Healthy, Get Fit, Eat Smart!

The New Year is upon us, do you have a list of New Year’s Resolutions? Most people make several resolutions with the plan of maintaining them throughout the year. How many resolutions are actually kept? That’s a question we’ll never have the answer to. I remember a few years ago when I was so immersed and dedicated to my freelance writing career I had to make a resolution to get dressed each day. It may sound like a simple thing, but I could literally live in my bathrobe for 3 days at a time.

Image courtesy of Mike44nh

That resolution is one I’ve kept and unless I’m sick I get dressed every morning. How has that made me healthier or happier? I’m not sure, but I do know that once it became a habit I couldn’t just sit all morning. I may lounge for a bit in my robe while I have my coffee and catch up on Facebook, but once I get dressed it’s work time. It has become a routine and it works to get me motivated. I don’t feel like my day has started – no matter what I may have written – until I’m dressed. Yet other resolutions such as losing weight or getting more exercise usually last a whole 2-3 weeks for me.

One popular New Year’s resolution is to get healthy. This may be in many different steps but the end goal is usually better health along with the other benefits. Some want to lose weight and get in shape, others want to quit smoking or cut out caffeine. While it is admirable to have these goals, it takes planning and strategy to accomplish. You can’t just wake up on January 1 and go cold turkey on the things you love and enjoy, and if you look at your goals the way many look at resolutions then it’s likely that the importance will slide down your list of priorities as the year ages.

The best advice I’ve come across for getting healthy even as a New Year’s resolution is to look at the changes you are making as a life change- not a diet, not an exercise plan- but a true change in how you live your life. So if your goal in 2013 is to get healthy it’s time to make a plan, figure out what you need to do to achieve the final goal and go for it. If you want to lost 20 pounds then you have to figure out a way to exercise and to eat that works for you. It won’t be easy and it won’t be an instant success- this is why a lifestyle change is better than a New Year’s resolution. Try to make your resolution a starting point for your year long goals.

Based on some of the most common New Year’s resolutions here are some products and tools which may help you turn your dream into a reality, so that you can pick a brand new goal for next year’s resolution instead of repeating the same one you’ve had for the past decade.

Want to quit smoking? Visit Smokefree to find the tools you need to successfully end your addiction to nicotine.

Is weight loss your goal? There are several programs such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, but if you want a real individualized plan along with lots of motivation, recipes and exercise ideas you may want to join SparkPeople- it’s free and can help you successfully lose weight in a healthy manner.

If a healthier diet is your goal with or without weight loss the Everything Family Nutrition Book is a great resource to have on hand.

Exercise is a huge challenge for many people, it’s important to do what works for you, whether you prefer to join a gym or workout in the privacy of your home there are many options. Home gym equipment such as treadmills and stair-climbers, DVD workouts and fitness games on the Wii are all effective ways to get your body moving.

You can get healthy in the new year, it’s all up to you!

Sass Ashe
Sass Ashe has been a contributing to blogs and websites for several years. When she gets to take a break from working and parenting her teenage son she enjoys watching WWE and having a few drinks of quality bourbon.
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2 thoughts on “Sass Ashe Gets Serious about New Year’s Resolutions: Get Healthy, Get Fit, Eat Smart!

  1. It’s always helped me to break the goal up into concrete, baby steps. Instead of telling myself to “get healthy”, I’ll make two small goals such as “replace soda with water when eating out” and “do crunches and pushups before work in the morning.” Best wishes for a happy 2013!:-)

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