Artist & Designer Michele Tremblay Brings Beautiful Art for Mother’s Day to KickStarter!!

Artist and designer Michele Tremblay might not be the household name she should be but wait till you hear her story. It’s amazing. Add to it her incredible artistic talent for creating unusual art and design pieces.. and you might find yourself as enamoured with her work as I am.

Part of the reason why I am covering Michele right now is that she has a Kickstarter campaign running RIGHT NOW for a limited time!!

portrait K
Michele Tremblay

She’s offering crazy-great handmade cards that make great cards for Mother’s day (and could be purchased for anniversaries, birthdays, bridal and other important days.) Plus they are definitely suitable for framing– and if you visit the Kickstarter site you can see all the types of cards she is offering: 3 different themes!!!

Michele Tremblay’s explanation on Project Dora

“Lil Dude”

My Kickstarter project actually started many years ago.

My mom died at the beginning of my sophomore year of art school and, as you can imagine, it was a life changing event. I left school to move home and help my dad with my sister, who was 10 years old. I transferred my credits and attended an art school near home so I could continue to help with my sister.

Everything at home eventually calmed down. We all settled into a new routine. My dad met and married his second wife; my sister grew up; I graduated from art school and went on to start my own business as a free-lance floral designer.

All along this path carrying the memory of my mom in my heart. Not so different from any other young woman who had lost her mother I am sure. I got married and had children of my own.

“The Pear”

When my children were little, I started making beautiful greeting cards– sending them and selling them. People loved receiving them and the store that carried them had customers that loved them too. Each card was made by hand. Each was unique and beautiful. I did the cards for a while but I got swept up in all of the many other endeavors of being mom and working floral designer. I stopped selling the cards but continued to make and send them–though not nearly as many.

One of my frustrations since my mom died was that she never really got to see my work…my art work. It is important for artists to have people see their work and family members are your biggest supporters…I missed my mom. My frustration was magnified by the fact that when I sent my cards to people (primarily women) they loved them. Mom never saw one.

In the last few years I have been working full time as a paper sculptor doing large scale sculptures of flowers. It is my mission to share my sculptures with as many people as possible. I call my mission “MY Delightful MIssion”. I also started to make the cards again. mainly as gifts for my special friends.

“The Key”

I was inspired by a Kickstarter project I saw done by a woman who helped share the love on Valentine’s Day. As I was watching her project it struck me! Maybe this was a way i could at least celebrate my mom on Mother’s Day. I decided to design a few cards based on things my mom loved and offer them to the Kickstarter community to send to their moms. Mother’s Day would be great knowing I had a hand (along with inspiration from my mom) in helping others honor and celebrate their moms. It could also be a small part of “My Delightful Mission”. The comments that the cards get have often included the word delight!

My project is called “The Dora Project” named after my mom.

If you are inspired to participate I look forward to offering you a beautiful card for your mom on Mother’s Day!

Kickstarter Link: The Dora Project
Michelle Tremblay

Please support Michele Tremblay’s kickstarter for Mothers’ Day to honor your mom and anyone else that is a mother figure in your life. Anyone receiving one of these cards would love it!

Stevie Wilson,

$10 off $50 at!

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