Star Trek Into Darkness Disappoints: What About Star Wars? Entertainment Mogul, Steve Dooner Posts Guest Blog from

This post was originally seen on Facebook, written by Steve Dooner , a man with an incredible entertainment background and a distinctly unique history of start-ups. Thinking outside the box is part of his MO or he wouldn’t have accomplished everything he has. However that said, this is a man who appreciates great entertainment and movies- among them Star Wars and Star Trek collections.


These are epic stories that illustrate not just a specific generation but crossed over into several generations based on what I have seen as I have watched these movies in theaters and on DVD. (Some more than 100 times- No LIE!) Steve Dooner happened to see the latest iteration of Star Trek Into Darkness

Here is Steve Dooner’s commentary on this movie.

This is an open letter to Paramount Studios and the Walt Disney Company.

I watched Star Trek Into Darkness last night.

Disney DO NOT let JJ Abrams touch Star Wars. Take away the keys and do it NOW.

Paramount – what the @#$%^ were you thinking? This is the WORST adaptation of anything Star Trek since Star Trek V or worse yet “Spock’s Brain”.

I won’t get into the absolutely LAME rip off of Wrath of Khan (which shows a total lack of creativity) or the extreme over-acting of Cumberlatch (and to think that people used to criticize Shatner). Let’s just look at how stupid you think the audience is.

For starters, you walk off the bridge (which, BTW, is a few decks ABOVE where you show it now – and there is NO FREAKING WINDOW IN FRONT!) and out into this atrium that the cast looks up and you get this perspective like your are in some Marriott hotel with floors all above. Um, did you look at your model? You have maybe three to five decks above, not 15 – 20!

Next, Engineering. Why do you insist on having these multi-level, obvious water treatment plant sets as engineering? What’s the first part of the word engineering? ENGINE. Not BIG ASS TANKS OF GOD KNOWS WHAT. So, based on just the two references I just made the Enterprise has to be at least three times as tall as it appears from the exterior.

At least this time around, you went to a real laboratory for the warp core part, but the rest with all the stairs and pipes, I kept thinking: where was the Terminator in all this? I kept expecting him to show up trying to kill Sara Connor.

Wait, maybe you are trying to make it a TARDIS? No, you probably aren’t familiar with that idea.

Lastly, STOP THE FREAKING LENS FLARES! I watched a special on the making of the movie and there is old JJ flashing a light into the lens all the time. It’s distracting and sure as hell doesn’t bring anything to the story. Oh, and fire your set decorators. When I can recognize Radio Shack CB antennas on the helm it just tells me that there isn’t a lot of creativity.

JJ, you have done some good stuff. This restart is a failure, and I am afraid of what you might do to Star Wars. While many of us didn’t like Episodes I – III, I’m afraid what you might do with VII – IX.

Please stop. Now.

Steve Dooner

The block quotes, the bolding, italics are all mine. I paid money to see the film. I loved bits of it, but Steve is entirely right about the feel of the movie. I was REALLY shocked to find out this was a riff on the Wrath of Khan- and one that leaves a ton of holes in it too.

Thanks to Steve Dooner for allowing me to share this.

Stevie Wilson,

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7 thoughts on “Star Trek Into Darkness Disappoints: What About Star Wars? Entertainment Mogul, Steve Dooner Posts Guest Blog from

  1. Not personally a Trekkie, but nothing says desperation like lens flares. Sounds very annoying..

  2. um… I guess I’m one of the stupid audience, cuz I freaking loved it. Then I came home and watched the original ones with my kids, and they loved those, too. The whole thing is fun. And FYI, this wasn’t a “riff” on Wrath of Khan. In the last film {the first of this reboot}, JJ ingeniously integrated a time-change thing, so that he can re-tell all the old stories or tell new ones and nothing goes “against” the original canon. It’s freaking smart as all hellz, and we are loving it! I guess this is really an opinion-thing, but it irks me to hear someone say definitively, THIS STINKS, when, um… NO IT DOESN’T. Chocolate-vs-vanilla, ya know?

  3. Andi-Roo.. I don’t disagree with you. I enjoyed it for 90% of it. I did think the sets were a bit more like the ST TV series than they were of the later movies. But you are right it’s a bit more choc vs more than vanilla difference– like chocolate vs pistachio if you catch my drift. It tells me something when I eat a ton of popcorn versus a splitting a medium bag. The movie captured my attention more.

  4. that’s a huge plus.. and thank you for commenting on this. Much appreciated. And I do try to ping you on twitter and FB. I think I should check my tribes and see if you are there. If not, going to send you an invite.

  5. Not a big trekkie but do enjoy the movies for the special effects and sets. Sounds like they’re trying to change things up which the hard-core fans won’t appreciate.

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