Celebrity Secrets! Michele Garber Shares “Safety First! 10 Golden Rules for Cosmetic Surgery E-Book! #Podcast

California, New York and Florida seem to be the biggest purveyors of cosmetic surgery and treatments. When you look at So. California as a microcosm, there is a lot going on here and while not everyone has it, there are people who think that Botox is just as good as a microdermabrasion and that doing all these topical, non-invasive treatments have virtually no side effects or poor results.

According to cosmetic surgery expert Michele Garber, there is a LOT more going on than you realize and people don’t do their homework to make sure they get the right treatment.

With a total of 14,629,276 cosmetic procedures performed in the US in 2012 alone (invasive and non-invasive) consumers have more options than ever on where to go for their must have beauty treatments. However, with recent news stories of plastic surgery gone bad, daily discount deals flooding e-mail inboxes, and plastic surgeons reporting that anywhere from 40% – 70% of their new patients consults are for revision surgery, Beauty Buyer Beware is the new mantra.

Michele Garber

With this massive influx of cosmetic surgery information, NIP TUCK COACH, Michele Garber, a cosmetic surgery expert and beauty industry veteran has issued a new e-book, Golden Rules For Safe Plastic Surgery, to help provide consumers with some much needed guidance BEFORE they undergo cosmetic surgery. This e-book is a concise, to-the-point guide for anyone considering any type of cosmetic procedure. This easy read is perfect for consumers interested in understanding more about plastic surgery board certification, and answers the most important question when having a cosmetic procedure…how to choose your doctor.

Safety First: 10 Golden Rules for Cosmetic Surgery!

“I wrote these Golden Rules because the consumer has many options when it comes to cosmetic procedures and, unfortunately, as with any industry, you have the ethical highly trained and skilled experts who produce consistently good results, and those who are looking to make an easy dollar,” stated Garber. “The best results come from highly trained doctors with a proven track record. This book is aimed to help consumers find the best doctor and obtain the best results.”

Some helpful tips from the NIP TUCK COACH are:

—Do not choose your surgeon based on online reviews, message boards, quotes in magazines, or celebrity status.

—If you can’t afford the surgery you want right now, save your money until you can. Don’t make your decision based on price.

—Consider hiring a professional plastic surgery coach, who can be your on-going support system before, during and after the procedure.

Michele understands which procedures are media hype, and what the hard reality behind cosmetic surgery practice really is. She has also seen the very positive effects cosmetic surgery can have on someone’s life.

“Remember you are not seeing the doctor because you are sick. Cosmetic surgery is an elective procedure and you are a customer who is buying a service,” states Michele. “I want to put the beauty consumer in the driver’s seat on the road to feeling beautiful.”

With this e-book available, Garber was able to talk about the different aspects of cosmetic treatments and surgery. What’s hot, what’s not and what to do to prepare for doing whatever you want to do- including doing NOTHING>

Podcast with Michele Garber

Safety First: 10 Golden Rules for Cosmetic Surgery!

Click here for getting YOUR FREE copy of this helpful e-book!




Thank you to Michele Garber for all her time, tips and tons of information.
If you have questions about a procedure, read her e-book. If you have questions about a procedure after reading the e-book, definitely contact her for an appointment!!

Stevie Wilson,

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2 thoughts on “Celebrity Secrets! Michele Garber Shares “Safety First! 10 Golden Rules for Cosmetic Surgery E-Book! #Podcast

  1. These are excellent for those about to spend both money and time on this. I have recently had my first procedure..laser for my pigmentation..there is a lot of hard sell by the practitioners, and I have not seen the doc at all…

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