I Am THE Makeup Junkie’s Marie Shares Her Experiences with IlluMask #GuestBlogger

I Am THE Makeup Junkie’s blogger, Marie Papachatzis is back with an amazing skin treatment line that will blow you away with its’ effectiveness! If this product line got this much of a rave review from Marie P, you know it’s a winner. Check out this great line!

Here is the text from Marie’s post. Please scroll down to see it all and don’t forget to share this great information as well as follow Marie & her blog!

illuMask is poised to take on the beauty world by storm. This company has come out with one of the most interesting products that I have seen in a while. Imagine taking an expensive piece of anti-aging and anti-acne equipment and making it inexpensive so that the average person can afford to use it everyday? Well it is possible now. IlluMask has done it.! They have created two different masks, an anti-aging mask and an anti-acne mask and have made it possible for everyone to be able to purchase it. The price point is affordable and the technology has been made easy to use.

So let’s talk about the masks. I was able to try out both of the ones they offer. I will discuss the anti-acne mask first.

illuMask Anti-Acne Treatment
– See more at: http://iamthemakeupjunkie.blogspot.com/2014/05/review-illumask-light-therapy-masks.html#sthash.Nj8xElEs.dpuf

The anti-acne mask uses LED light therapy blue and red light to fight bacteria that causes acne. With the mask you get 30 uses, one whole month in each mask. They claim that with regular use you can expect that your complexion will become clearer, you will get fewer breakouts, you will have less redness and pain with the blemishes, skin will be less oily or flaky. It is safe for all skin types and skin tones. The mask will also help to decrease the redness associated with previous breakouts.


How is the mask used?
It is very easy. Just lay down and put it on. I always take off my makeup first. Put the mask on with the glasses part making sure to cover your eyes. Press on the button that comes with the unit. There is an indicator next to the button that tells you how many treatments you have left to go until the unit will not work anymore. Then relax for 15 minutes. I listen to the television and relax. The mask automatically turns off after the time is up. It has a small window in it for looking through if you need to open your eyes and see.

Do this for 30 days straight and you will notice a difference in your skin. I get seasonal breakouts on my chin and I definitely noticed a huge difference, in that I did not get any breakouts. Also, I have one spot where I had a cyst that left a red mark on my cheek and it got a lot better. The redness has faded significantly.

How does the mask work?
The red and blue light emitted from the illuMask kill acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes). You can read about how acne forms from my post on What Is Acne?. That will give you a crash course on it. Basically you need to know that sebum and dead skin cells build up in the hair follicle (often called the pore) and the bacteria multiply. This causes the pimple to form. The illuMask causes the bacteria to absorb the light, generating a photochemical reaction, which kills the bacteria from the inside out. Blue light helps to kill acne-causing bacteria under the skin before breakouts can appear. Red light reduces inflammations, heals breakouts, and helps to even skin tone. The Blue and red light work together synergistically to improve acne, by combining anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory action, in a safe and effective treatment. Ninety-three percent of users reported an overall improvement in their skin within 2 weeks of treatment. Doctors are recommending treatment with the illuMask.

– See more at IAmTHEMakeupJunkie.blogspot.com

illuMask Anti-Aging Treatment

I was also lucky enough to try out the anti-aging treatment mask. It is unfortunate that I have to deal with both problems. I am 43 years old and I am dealing with acne and aging skin!
The illuMask Anti-Aging treatment anti-aging phototherapy uses LED red and infrared light to fight the signs of aging. With regular use it will help skin to look younger. Skin will look visibly brighter. It will also look clearer, smoother and more radiant. There will also be a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and an improvement of skin tone and texture. Finally, skin will appear firmer and more elastic.

As with the anti-acne mask, this anti-aging mask has 30 uses. It is used the same way as the anti-acne mask is used. The difference with this mask and the anti-acne mask is that this one does not have a window to look through. That is because the anti-aging mask needs to get light therapy to the eyes for the lines and wrinkles that are there.

How does the mask work? It uses LED red and infrared phototherapy wavelengths of non UV light to treat skin conditions. For decades light therapy has been use by dermatologists to treat the skin. The illuMask uses similar technology, although much for affordable, and just as safe. Red light evens appearance of skin tone and reduces roughness. Infrared light reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Ninety-six percent of useres said they noticed a difference in skin tone and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles in 4 weeks with the use of the illuMask.

– See more at the IAmTHEMakeupJunkie.blogspot.com

I am very happy with the Anti-Aging illuMask. I did notice that fine lines I have developed in the furrow between my brow has stopped developing and have disappeared. And my skin looks so much clearer and brighter lately. Now, I have been using this with some Vitamin C serum, so I think that using both together has been a complete double whammy and has made my skin look fabulous. I think that I am going to have to continue to keep using this. Comparatively, this is a good price for an anti-aging item. Buying this each month is not bad compared to what most skin creams cost. I would gladly plop down $30 a month for this. The only hard thing is finding 15 minutes each night to lie still and let it do its job. I have a lot of things to take care of each night and sometimes I don’t have the luxury of time…

I think that everyone is going to want an illuMask. They are extremely affordable and they work. Whether it is for fighting acne or fighting off wrinkles, this technology is great and is going to be huge!

The illuMask retails for $29.99 and is available online from:
It is available in stores at Ulta, Wal-Mart, Target and Walgreens.
Follow IlluMask on these social media platforms:L

https://plus.google.com/illumask Go
illuMask on Instagram: http://instagram.com/illuMask#.
See the entire story at IAmTHEMakeupJunkie.blogspot.com

Thanks to Marie Papachatzis for this post on this brand new line that will change skin for the better and take care of the “bad skin days” in 30 days! You should keep using the device to keep acne at bay and also keep firming your skin depending on the device you use!

– See more at:IAmTHEMakeupJunkie blog

Follow Marie P on these social media platforms!


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Thanks to Marie P for her detailed take on this great facial treatment product! There are more products in the pipeline.

Stevie Wilson,


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2 thoughts on “I Am THE Makeup Junkie’s Marie Shares Her Experiences with IlluMask #GuestBlogger

  1. I know that light therapy works, and this makes perfect sense. LED and infrared are the waves of the future.

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