Top 10 Love Spells for Valentine’s Day, Curated by the Hollywood Witch #GuestBlog

For those who don’t have a special someone actively in their lives, you might be wondering what you can do to change that situation… what alchemy or wicked magic you can conjure up. While Games of Thrones and other TV and movies show off the occult side of things, we are bringing you the Top 10 Love Spells for Valentine’s Day courtesy of guest blogger and long-time contributor, Marie Bargas, The Hollywood Witch’s Top 10 Love Spells for Valentine’s Day!

For many single people Valentine’s Day and the pressures of being in love or at least in lust on this particular holiday is cause enough for a prescription of antidepressants or at least a good stiff drink or two on February 14th. These days it is no secret that the problem of finding and keeping that special significant other has become a matter for the supernatural intervention of angels, saints, spirits and some downright potent witchcraft. In my experience as a real witch and as a professional psychic, the search for true love is not reserved to any single culture or faith. It unites humanity in a quest that has inspired many epic poems, books, plays, TV shows and some very memorable movies. Here is a simple guide to some very potent supernatural aid listed by tradition and background with links to the full length operations and explanations. So, why is this list better than the others floating around the internet? Simple answer. THEY WORK.

Alchemy Scents of Love and Lust from Babylon Gardens Apothecary


Please forgive us! After all this time that this has been live, we only recently found out that Dr. Jymie Darling does not have a Ph.D  and that she is a fraud in regards to her educational credentials listed on her CV.  She might have great skill in the lab blending scents, but her credentials don’t merit the raves that  her scents do. Given that some of her bio is not authentic, there are questions about the rest of it as well. Sorry about this. It took quite some time to verify the authenticity of the information, but it was done by Marie Bargas herself! 

Dr. Jymie Darling – Alchemist – Babylon Gardens Apothecary

Master Alchemist, Dr. Jymie Darling, a brilliantly mad Ph.D., who has more than 25 years in the alchemy laboratory and a perfumer’s olfactory sense second to none in the industry, it is possible to blend scents and perfumes that encourage our brains to create oxytocin, the hormonal “Holy Grail” of love and bonding.

According to the American Psychological Association,

“Given oxytocin’s connection to such life-affirming activities as maternal behavior, lactation, selective social bonding and sexual pleasure, researchers have been working overtime to uncover its role in the brain and in regulating behavior.”

In the years that I’ve known Dr. Darling, she has mixed some heady scents and magickal blends for celebrities highlighted by Patricia Arquette (Boys Land), Jada Pinkett Smith, (Gotham) and the iconic Stevie Nicks. Love, attraction and even marriage can be purchased in three little bottles of luscious perfumes blended from high quality attars straight from India the home of the Karma Sutra. Dr. Darling has been a guest on Tyra Banks, Good Morning America and Good Morning LA and has consulted for JAG and Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Best known for her work at the iconic LA Occult shop, Panpipes Magickal Marketplace, she has moved on to Babylon Gardens Apothecary which now sells exclusively online. At an affordable $2 a bottle for a sample size with a total of $6 plus shipping for a set of three, finding love just got that much simpler. Treat yourself to the full size bottles for $15. It’s an affordable addiction.

The Scent Ménage a Trois for Sexual Attraction:
• Whore of Babylon
• Shaydee’s Passion
• Deadly Nightshade

The Scent Menage a Trois for Marriage:
• Eros
• Flirtatious Jezebel
• Satyr
The scents can be blended and worn together or used to anoint proper spell candles.To find out more abou Dr. Jymie Darling please visit Babylon Gardens Apothecary.

Archangel Raphael the Arch-Angel of Love and Marriage

Archangel Raphael is petitioned through a Catholic Prayer for a Happy Marriage. Though the tradition for petitioning St. Raphael for relationships has been all but lost, it does continue in many parts of the world and it is worth noting that most Catholics stay married at the risk of being excommunicated upon divorce, so when they marry, they pray that it will last forever.

Dorothy Lee Donahue of Love and Miracles

“LA’s own Angel Expert, Dorothy Lee Donahue of Love and Miracles channeled a special message for this blog. I met Dorothy 5 years ago and we have kept in touch off and on. Today, she has shed 150 lbs. and practices what she preaches which is primarily self love.

“Dorothy Lee is considered one of the foremost experts in the world today on the “Shift of the Ages.” She is sought out by people all over the globe as an actual “Stargate” herself for the cosmic consciousness that is entering planet earth now for the “Shift.” She and her work are unique. She is an anchor point for Spirit to enter into form and help people clear their own specific blocks and barriers that keep them from moving into their own light bodies. People call her a “cosmic accelerator” – she brings in Multi-Dimensional light to help people clear whatever stands in their way of full body activation, a necessary component of the shift.”

“Greetings Beloveds,
I am Archangel Raphael, the angel of wholeness. My message to you on this special day you call Valentine’s Day is this: The love you are seeking lies within each of you. It is part of the human experience to believe that love comes from others and that when others love you, this is validation that you are indeed lovable. In truth, you are the Divine Children of God. Therefore, you are LOVE. You chose this human experience to see just how long it will take you to remember that each of you are love and when you choose to love, forgive and approve of yourselves first, then the love you have mistakenly sought outside of yourselves will find its way to you.”


Balm of Gilead Wine To Cure a Broken Heart

Kolika Elle Kirk

This simple recipe for for a soothing love balm disguised as mulled wine by Kolika Elle Kirk was published in LA Story as alternative to Xanax and/or Primal Scream therapy.

The idea arose from a conversation about the romance between King Solomon and the legendary Queen of Sheba. At the time I was compiling a list of simple cures for a broken heart based on historic vs. pharmaceutical sources. Serve it as a soothing libation on Valentine’s Day or on any day to cure broken heart.
Kolika’s Balm of Gilead Brandy Wine

•1 oz. Balm of Gilead buds (for healing)
•1 bottle of good Brandy
•1/3 cup Cognac(for a kick)
•1 Tbsp ground Cardamom (for lust and love)
•The petals from 1 full, red rose (for passion and romance)
•3 Tbsp honey(a magically neutral sweetener/binder)
With any potion/brewing, always use either a cast-iron cauldron or a reaction-free casserole like a ceramic dish. I used an electric slow-cooker with a ceramic bowl to brew it, and left it all day while I went to work. I started on a Friday morning just as the sun was rising.


The following is an excerpt from Catherine Yronwode’s article, ” The Secrets of the Psalms: The Kabbalist Influence on Hoodoo.”

Catherine Yronwode – Author

For many Hoodoo and Conjure practitioners, Yronwode is the definitive resource for products, services and information through her Hoodoo/Conjure super site – Lucky Mojo.

Her students comprise a list of Hoodoo/Root workers that are respected worldwide.


“Psalm 45 can be used to help restore love, romance, and peace between those married.

Let a man pronounce this Psalm over pure olive oil. He may first anoint his body with it. Then, the man must thoroughly and lovingly anoint his wife with it. He should massage her with great tenderness. There should be a proper return of conjugal love and peace. A wife, likewise, can pray the Psalm over olive oil, scented or not, and anoint herself and lovingly touch him. In the future, her husband will be more lovable, passionate, and agreeable.Married love will again return. The holy name for this Psalm is Elohim Adonai Jah. Elohim is a supreme name of Divinity. Adonai has the meaning of “Lord” and “Father.” The name, Jah, can be found by itself in scripture and should be pronounced in order to establish peace and unity.”

Feri Tradition

The following two spells are taken from the Feri Tradition.

“F(a)eri(e)* is a modern form of American Traditional Witchcraft derived from the teachings of Victor and Cora Andersonand passed down through their various initiates. A rich and diverse spiritual art, Feri seeks to transform the individual through practices of ritual magic, meditation, and energy work.”

Since this Valentine’s Day falls shortly after the Mercury Retrograde, the spell for reconciliation is especially potent. This spell will help reconcile former romantic partners as well as friends and family, simply use as appropriately colored rose to represent the relationship as it was and must return to.

To Reconcile

Red works best for lovers, pink for friends and family. You will require two roses, each of which you will name individually for those you seek to reconcile, such as Sam and Joe. You will pluck six petals from each rose, for a total of ten petals, and place these in a lightweight bowl. Your option then is to stir them gently with your fingers (careful, you do not want to bruise them), or to toss them by repeatedly jostling the bowl up and down. This motion represents the turmoil that the relationship between Sam and Joe has encountered.
As you do this, speak the following charm:

From two blooms
Once torn apart
A renewed union resumes
For a fresh new start

Now that all the petals have been mixed together you will lay then on a blank, white piece of paper so that they form a single flower. Simply layer them together as shown at the right.
Follow the instructions on How To Press Flowers.
When it has completely dried you have a flower talisman that may be used in various ways. A spell unto itself, it may simply be stored wherever keepsakes are kept. Additionally it may be placed behind a picture of the reconciled couple in a picture frame, or have devotional candles burned upon them when some extra care is needed.
The second spell hails from Modern Conjure:
Foot Trafficking Spell: To Catch the Object of your Desire

“Strewing rose petals along your lover’s path is a tradition seen even in modern times, as many a wedding has a flower girl to scatter petals down the isle before the bride begins her nuptial journey. Additionally the tradition of Hoodoo, which informs many magical practices in Faery Tradition, utilizes what is referred to as ‘foot trafficking,’ the act of laying magic objects and powders in the path of one’s target. The orange rose, dried and powdered, may be sprinkled where the object of your desire is likely to step upon it, and thereafter absorb the power of your spell. Simply crush the dried rose petals into a powder with a mortar and pestle, stirring clockwise, imagining the two of you united in a kiss or other state of intimacy, while passionately calling his or her name.”

Swayamvaraparvathi Mantra Most Powerful Mantra for Marriage

“Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara

Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama Vasam akarsha Akarshaya Namaha ”

To watch the youtube video click HERE.

This mantra is believed to be the most powerful, trusted, widely used marriage mantra for early marriage, fertility and happiness. Parvati is the Goddess of Love and devotion. Hindus believe that this mantra will eradicate the factors that delay marriage.

Love Potion #13

We had to include the charming Melanie Marquis on this list!!!

No list about love could be complete without a spell from Marquis’ own saucy, sassy and yet so classy –“The Witches Bag of Tricks.”

Used with permission.

• 3 parts rosemary
• 1 part allspice
• 2 parts cinnamon

Use this potion to induce romantic dreams, particularly if you wish to dream of a faraway love. With intent, steep the herbs in a cup of hot water for thirteen minutes. Dip a piece of your jewelry or a piece of string into the potion. Put on the jewelry or tie the potion-soaked string around your left wrist to wear while sleeping, using the principles of combining magick to fuse the dream-inducing energies to your own body. With a little luck, you’ll be able to hook up with your known or as-yet-unknown love interest in the dream world.

This potion can also be used to have a lucid dream where you can spend some time with a deity or spirit. Just add an ingredient to the mix symbolizing the force or spirit with whom you wish to communicate.

Melanie Marquis – author

For another way to customize this blend, you could sew the same herbal combination into a small pillow that could be used to the same effect. If the mixture is used in this way and your intent is to dream about a specific person, the magick can be strengthened by including a photo or another token representing the individual you wish to dream about.

The Self Love Spell (from “Witches and Pagans”)

Devin Hunter – Blogger/Author

When pagan pop personality and psychic, Devin Hunter is not doing readings and rituals at the Mystic Dream in Walnut Creek, CA, he is blogging for several pagan blogs via his flagship Living Temple Media  or he’s preparing to publish some highly anticipated new books. When we caught up with Devin last week he was about to publish this spell for Valentine’s Day. While every other spell on this list deals with a significant other, this final spell addresses the issue of “self-love” which we all agree is where true love begins.

The Self Love Spell

Used with permission from author.

• Pink Candle
• Lavender Petals
• Jasmine Flower
• Gold Glitter (optional)
• 5-10 pieces of Rose Quartz
• A bowl of Salt Water
• A White, Pink, or Red cloth
• A Small Compaq or Hand mirror

Bless and sanctify the space you will be doing this spell in. When preparing for love work I prefer to sprinkle the area with salt water and then to project the image of pink flames surrounding the space.

Place the candle in the middle of your altar space and then place the rose quartz pieces equidistant to each other in a circle around the candle. As you place each crystal around the unlit candle visualize yourself coming closer to an authentic version of you. Around the circle of rose quarts sprinkle generous amounts of the herbal mixture. As you sprinkle the herb mixture ask for the wisdom and medicine from the herbs to aide in your working. With jasmine ask for self love and with the lavender ask for the ability to intuitively feel where the changes need to be made in your life. Sprinkle the gold glitter (symbolizing sovereignty over the self) over the herbs and candle…

You can find the complete spell HERE.

So remember everyone, if you’re looking for love in all the wrong places a little magickal and or spiritual assistance may be in order. And don’t worry too much about the karma. This world was made for love and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go for it.

Thanks to Marie Bargas for this really detailed list of “love spells”. It makes perfect sense for a bit of play on Valentine’s Day!

Follow Marie Bargas, The Hollywood Witch at

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