Howard Beckman Offers Vedic Astrological Analysis of Donald Trump’s Horoscope!

It’s time for a bit of insight into one of the pop culture icons in “the now” — meaning someone who makes headlines nearly every day. Not Justin Bieber but it’s someone who gets tons of publicity and is ALWAYS on TV. His name is Donald Trump. We aren’t going to say yea or nay to his presidential bid but we are going to look at his Vedic astrological chart courtesy of Howard Beckman. Howard has amazing insight via Vedic Astrology and he’s done a lot of work looking at various charts and star configurations to give you the most precise and honest evaluation of Mr. Trump with an eye toward his political aspirations. We are not a political blog nor is Howard Beckman giving you any political advice or information. He’s merely reading the Vedic star charts to see who Donald Trump is and where he’s headed.

A Vedic Astrological Analysis of the Horoscope of Donald Trump
By Howard Beckman

Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York City on June 14, 1946 at 10:54 AM. His horoscope has Leo rising, with Sun (ruler of the rising sign Leo) in the 10th house of occupation, status, reputation and career. Exalted Rahu (Dragon’s Head, the north node of the Moon) is conjunct Sun in the 10th house, making him a very powerful, and often-feared personality, to say the least.

What creates his bullish personality is having an extremely powerful Raja-Yoga (powerful planetary combination) created by Mars in the ascendant (rising sign). In his mind he is always right about pretty much everything! Mars then single-handedly creates Raja-Yoga by aspect in the 4th house of business and property affairs, making him successful in real estate holdings and commercial development, both under the purview of Mars.

Mars’ aspect on the 7th house of marriage and partnerships doesn’t bode too well, and we have seen that is true with both marriages and his business partnerships ending very badly. But it makes for a powerful communicator, whether you like what he says, or not.

Mars also aspects the 8th house of longevity and death, psychological makeup, inheritances or windfalls, loaning of money, dealing with other people’s money, misfortune and of course reincarnation. This raja-yoga is what gives him the basis for his considerable financial wealth.

There is also a combination created by Jupiter and Venus (the greatest benefactors in astrology) that makes him incredibly competitive and cunning, again and again overcoming adversity to find himself back on top of the pack, even after suffering big monetary losses and bankruptcies.

Jupiter bolsters the 2nd house of earning, and his aspect on the 8th house of inheritance and financial windfalls has made him an extremely wealthy business magnate. Mercury rules both the house of earning, as well as the house of material gains, desires, and the ability to fulfill them. Mercury in his own sign of Gemini in the house of gains also brings great financial fortunes.

The Moon’s natal position is not only in debilitation in Scorpio, it is further afflicted by its conjunction with a powerful and harmful Ketu (Dragon’s Tail, the south node of the Moon) in the 4th house. This brings times of major setbacks due to the Moon’s rule over the 12th house of loss.

But this debilitated Moon (representing his mind and emotional state) also causes many of the unpalatable traits he has displayed in public. Although Scorpio Moon makes him resolute and determined, it causes him to experience great mental suffering. Outwardly his Leo rising with the powerful Mars gives him the air of decisiveness and confidence, but there must be plenty of times that exactly the opposite is true on the inside. He feels lonely and vulnerable, so then lashes out in anger, not controlling what is obviously a knee-jerk reaction to the comments of others.

Scorpio is a secretive sign, so very few will truly know the mind of Donald Trump. He will say and do whatever he thinks is necessary to get his way in life, and woe to anyone who dares to get in his way. He is not a softhearted guy. Believe me. Scorpio Moon means he won’t reveal his inner feelings and character, but his emotions most definitely will always affect the decisions he makes.

Scorpio gives him his ability to be authoritative, and he’s very aggressive, as would be expected. The thing is, though, that the darker traits of Scorpio are seen in his inability to just let criticisms roll off his back like water from a duck’s. He cannot tolerate anyone criticizing him, what to speak of insulting him. He will always want to get back at them, and he can be vindictive and revengeful, as well as ruthless. That seems to be an admired trait by some people who relegate capitalism to the status of a religion, but maybe not so admirable when it comes to having power over people’s very lives and livelihoods. He’s out to win in any scenario.
*Please note that I am not giving any political opinions here whatsoever, and speak from an astrological viewpoint alone.

On the positive side Trump is also intense and focused, and very likely has a better perception of international politics and finances than many give him credit for. He’s no dummy! He’s an incredible strategist and has the ability to stick to his plans until they come to fruition. He’s used to being the man on top, so with a chart like his it is not outside the realm of possibility that he could become the President of the United States. However…timing is everything!

I’m sure Mr. Trump’s early life was not an easy one emotionally. With his highly emotional nature, although born into wealth, his childhood until about nine and a half years old was very difficult emotionally. He felt intimidated by his father and felt great loneliness inside. His 20’s weren’t anything to write home about, either, when Venus ruled from a difficult house of loss.

Venus with Saturn in Cancer (the sign of the Moon), is another indication of his highly emotional nature. Ruling the house of family and communications, as well as the house of career, Mr. Trump’s rise would not be able to begin until this time was over, although he did enter his father’s business about two years before the end of this period.

The rise of Donald Trump the personality and powerful businessman began in November 1975 with his most powerful planetary periods now beginning. In November 1981 he entered a period for 10 years that brought many successes, but also many losses and much personal grief. During this time he had a lot of losses in business, including bankruptcy and was involved in quite a few lawsuits, with attacks on him by both government and private individuals. This was due to his afflicted Moon ruling those years.

His extremely powerful Mars period ran from November 1991 to November 1998 and was a vastly different story. The sheer brute force of Mars’ Raja-Yoga in Leo in the ascendant brought Mr. Trump many business conquests and perceived victories.

Beginning Nov 1998 Rahu’s period began. Rahu is at his most powerful and with his Sun in the house of status and career. 1998 to 2016 saw Mr. Trump wheel and deal his way into the history books of American business and the homes of Americans through his appearing on his very successful television show “The Apprentice”. Now in the very year he enters his very powerful Jupiter period, he is running for President of the United States. The election on November 8th is only 6 days before Mr. Trump actually begins his 16-year Jupiter period.

Although Jupiter is situated for this to be a time of building further assets and monetary success, I do not think that Jupiter can make him president, the most powerful political figure in the world during this time.

Especially since Saturn is casting an evil influence from the house of loss onto Jupiter, the likelihood of his getting elected to the office of president is unlikely. You would expect him to be running the period of a planet that in some way was giving great power to the ascendant, or 10th house of power and status, for him to become President of the United States.

So Donald Trump will continue to be in the news and remain for some time a formidable force in the worlds of high finance, property development and political lobbying for the next 16 years. When this time is over, however, he will enter Saturn’s time, which will be the final period of his life. Considering that Saturn is in the 12th house of loss, he would do well to retire at the fag end of Jupiter’s period. Saturn’s time following would bring ruination were he to try to persist in his business activities as he is used to doing, losing him much of his accumulated fortunes.
Meanwhile it’s going to be an interesting year, which sounds more like a Chinese curse (“May you live in interesting times”), I know. Delving into our personal progressed horoscopes is the only way to see how all the insanity that’s going on around us will affect us individually.
Saturn is already retrograde in Scorpio and Mars will go retrograde on the 17th of April. Until the end of June they will both be retrograde in Scorpio. Expect much more of the “fiery” events we’ve been seeing, from armed conflicts to terrorism to fires, to train, plane and automobile accidents. I also expect more volcanic eruptions to occur, storms and wildfires, which will also burn in the minds of those prone to explosive episodes of anger. Keep your wits about you, control your emotions and try to lay low as much as possible during these months.

A better day is coming, but we have to contend with a crazy year first!

Howard Beckman

Bio: Howard Beckman

The lessons that Howard has learned throughout his amazing life has helped him counsel countless individuals to come to terms with their lives and develop healthy identities. He overcame drug abuse in his twenties and went on to become a World-renowned Vedic astrologer and teacher of the ancient philosophies of India. Including Ayurveda, Bhakti Yoga and Vedic Astrology. He has authored four books on these subjects, but in his latest “Tempting the Devil in the Name of God – The Heavy Hand of Fate” he shares his memoirs, his deep struggle with heroin and how he achieved physical, mental and spiritual freedom to not only survive, but thrive.

Howard lives in Ocala, Florida and is a Director of The Vedic Cultural Fellowship and Ocala Equine Rescue. He can be contacted for Vedic astrological consultations at or to book him as a speaker at

Thanks to Howard Beckman for such amazing insight and a great read! If you are looking for guidance from the stars (astrologically and astronomically), you have landed in the perfect spot. You can obtain guidance on the potential events in your life for 2016 courtesy of Howard Beckman‘s guest blog. Author and Vedic Astrology expert Howard Beckman can help you get a bead on the general tenor of the VEDIC Astrological year which will help you get the bead on this unique astrological system.

This post is not in any manner an endorsement of any political figure. This post was just some insight on this new player on the political scene.

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