Tarot for Day 1 and Week of 5/30-6/05! Get Ready for an Interesting Week!

Here’s your Daily Tarot a Week at a time — are you ready to see what the week has in store for you?! If you’ve stumbled onto this page thanks to someone sharing it with you and want to be sure you get your own copy emailed each week to have it right in your inbox HERE. Or you can check back Sundays as my gift to you.

Where can you uncover your hidden power, expand on the story you tell yourself? Enjoy these ancient symbols that help make your world a bigger, better creation with added flavor to each day!

Have questions specific to your life? Feeling like a little Tarot just isn’t enough? You can dial in with Lisa Greenfield Here for personalized insight on what’s up for you and how you can make the most of it!

The Card of the Week gives an overall theme to help kick in extra layers of meaning around the card of the day. Use it as a pair of night vision goggles to help clarify what’s been out of focus or shadowed.

Card of the Week:

The Hooded Man  



How appropriate that this week’s theme is about the interior you, not the exterior you!  This card shows the light of new understanding dawning within you will help you make better choices, wiser choices, richer choices for you this week!  Alone time is so powerful right now to really allow all the cosmic dust to settle so you see the wide array of options you have.  How much more can you cook up in a day with all the extra ingredients you never stood still long enough to see.  Pause, reflect, let the abundance reveal itself in small and surprising ways this week.  Once the lamp is lit inside of you then you can’t help but be a light for others to steer by as well.  So cherish your down time, and rest as much as you can this week.  It will make a big difference!

Card of the Day:

Day One:

Six of Vessels

Sixes are the healing number and about being complete within yourself.   I like the words ‘with your whole heart’ for this card.  Where in your life have you been ‘half-hearted’ and therefore incomplete.  Today is the day to open your heart to loving with your total being.  Our emotions are the magnetic part of our being, so when you put your whole heart into anything the results shift dramatically.  Suddenly more options are possible, you draw to you resources that increase the chances of success.  Let yourself want the full extent of what you wish for, this day is for noticing where your mind has put the brakes on your emotions in service of keeping you safe.  Playing it safe is not so safe today.  Feel everything… don’t necessarily act on anything yet, but feel it.  To understand the depths of your desire is important for you!

Taking Action:
If you are most afraid of losing something, spend time today really acknowledging how much you want or love what you fear losing or wrecking. Notice where your fears creep in and just keep switching your eyes back to how good if feels to have what you in your imagination. Practice, repeat, practice, repeat!
Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at www.TruthinHand.com
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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution to this site!!

Stevie Wilson,

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One thought on “Tarot for Day 1 and Week of 5/30-6/05! Get Ready for an Interesting Week!

  1. The hooded man is perfect symbol for me now. I also like the idea of whole hearted. I have to be inside for some medical stuff next week, so I have no real choice but to check out the level of my heart participation. I am not going away from town, but will be out of my normal routine for a while.

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