Guest Blog: 5 Home Remedies That Will Offer Relief from the Distress of Razor Bumps!

We have a guest blogger to share his expertise about natural products and/or natural remedies to common problems. It’s summer and we are all planning on heading to the beach, lake or pool– or if we are very lucky people, perhaps all 3! While it’s fun to be in swimwear, there are grooming duties that are often accomplished that take a toll on the human skin- like getting razor bumps from shaving. Lots of causes but there’s always that “shaving factor” to worry about. I found a guest expert with some serious knowledge about home or natural remedies. Natural remedies are often basic treatments found to be effective over the centuries to treat common problems.
Author Sergey Kushchak has smart answers and almost certainly to be a quicker fix than running out to the drugstore to get something in a tube and most assuredly less expensive.

5 Home Remedies That Will Offer Relief from the Distress of Razor Bumps

By Sergey Kushchak

Shaving is a common occurrence in the everyday life of almost all post-pubescent human beings. Getting hair off some of the body parts usually proves as quite the advantage and achievement, aiding the steps towards ultimate beauty and higher self-esteem. However, everything comes at a price, and that for shaving is usually the development of razor bumps

Remedies for Razor Bumps



Cucumbers are a perfect home remedy for a number of reasons. The best being that they take away any swelling that results from the razor bumps. They also hydrate the skin while reducing the discomfort that the bums are notorious for. Being a vegetable, it is rich in two major vitamins, C and K. when these two are absorbed in the skin, they help it heal and regenerate at a faster rate.
Cucumbers can be used in two ways to offer relief. The first is to chill some cucumbers in the fridge for about an hour, slice it up into small pieces along its cross section then rub these against the skin for about thirty seconds each. The next is to mash the chilled cucumbers into a paste. Add some chilled milk to this paste then apply it on the skin. Leave this on the skin for about twenty minutes or till the chilling effect subsides then wash it off with some warm water. This should be done twice daily for the best outcomes.

Cold Compress
There is always a burning feeling associated with the razor bumps. This causes some discomfort and itchiness when left unchecked. A cold compress is the one way to manage this. It also serves the extra purpose of ridding the skin of any swelling. You can opt to either use ice or some cold water in this remedy.

Wrap some ice in the handkerchief then lay it over the area that is worst hit by the razor bumps. Held this in place for a short while till the burning and irritation go down. You can also dip a bandage or wire gauze in a bowl of cold milk, partially wring it dry then wrap me around the area that is affected by the razor bumps. Leave this on the skin till the burning goes down. The best this is that the cold compress works effectively for bumps on any part of the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a very popular home remedy for many skin problems because it helps to ease inflammation and also control itching from razor bumps. In addition, it also has antibacterial properties to prevent an infection from occurring. For this home remedy, you will need half cup of apple cider vinegar. Apply the ingredient to the affected area with a cotton ball gently and then allow the solution to dry. Then wash it off with warm water. Instead of wiping your face dry, you should pat it dry. Do this for a minimum of three times daily. If you have sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the vinegar with water. The two liquids should be the same proportion.

Baking Soda
Baking soda is beneficial to the skin as it helps to reduce the inflammation that results from the baking soda as well as having a soothing effect on the skin. This, in turn, eradicates the itching that is brought about by the razor bumps. Baking soda is easy to use and produces instant results. Put some baking soda into a bowl the slowly add some water while you stir. Stop once a smooth paste is formed. Using a cotton ball, apply the baking soda paste over the areas with razor bumps then let it dry for about five minutes. Rinse it away with some cold water. The baking soda should be used sparingly and thoroughly washed off because it can cause drying up of the skin.


When you think of natural skin care regiments, the one thing that comes to mind is salicylic acid. It can be found in a wide range of skin care products since it is soothing to the skin and helps in the rejuvenation of the damaged skin. Use of strawberries as a razor bump remedy is effective since it deals adequately with the inflammation. Mash some strawberries into a paste then mix them with a little bit of sour cream. Apply the final paste on the razor bumps using your fingertips. Leave it on the skin for twenty minutes then rinse it off with cold water. Pat the skin dry and repeat the procedure once daily till the bumps is eliminated.

Razor Bumps Prevention Tips
Shaving in the proper was is the best prevention method to avoid the skin from getting afflicted with the razor bumps. Here are some shaving tips that should help you along the way.

It is best to first wet the skin and the hair before you begin shaving. You can either opt to shave after a bath or wet the skin with some warm soapy water two minutes before you start shaving.

–Use some good quality oil on both the hair and the skin before applying your shaving cream of choice. The oil will moisturize the skin and make it softer, making the shaving easier.

–The shaving cream you use should come with the ability to eliminate friction while shaving. This is because the friction will lead to pulling of the hair and causing irritations.

–Always remember to shave with the grain, not against it. The razor used should also be sharp, so remember to replace the disposable razor from time to time.

–Shaving repeatedly in the same area is strongly advised against as this will cause some irritation on the skin.

Sergey Kushchak

Bio for Sergey Kushchak:

Sergey Kushchak is a yoga instructor by passion and profession. Fueled by his drive to live healthier and keep a good outward appearance, he runs a successful blog, This site is focused on the issues of skincare, and he uses this platform to share his opinions and that of healthcare professions on how to bets take care of your skin. He is also an avid environmentalist and proposes only the use of green, eco-friendly solutions for his readers. His vision is to help and many as possible from all corners of the globe.

For additional information on the subject and a list of other home, remedies to try out, check out Ambrossimo (

Follow Sergey Kuschak on these social platforms: – Sergey Kushchak (author page)
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I would like to thank Sergey Kushchak for his time and effort in this post. I learned something from him about treating razor bumps with strawberries! I had not known one could use this summer fruit for this kind of treatment!

Stevie Wilson,




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One thought on “Guest Blog: 5 Home Remedies That Will Offer Relief from the Distress of Razor Bumps!

  1. I never thought about the strawberries. Cucumber and apple cider vinegar cure almost all external and internal inflammation…so it all makes sense. Good advise

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