Tarot Card for Week of 9/12-9/18 + Tarot for Day 1 (9/12) What’s Changes Are Coming?

The cards and the Astrology this week are about adjusting your actions to fit the expansion that you’ve undergone this last ten months. We have the Saturn-Neptune Square from last Saturday that is spilling into the week ahead of this eclipse. Lunar eclipses are internal adjustments along the receptive, feminine part of us that craves security.

Notice where your drive to be safe in your old patterns gets pushed in on this week in all kinds of ways, asking you to double check your new edges. You are living in a bigger world than you used to and it’s time for you to notice what you can let go of now.

Please do keep in mind the cards don’t decide anything for you, they draw on ancient symbols and wisdom to give you insight for better decisions!

If you’ve stumbled onto this page thanks to someone sending it with you and want to be sure you get your own copy emailed each week to have it right in your inbox HERE. Or you can check back Sundays as my gift to you.

Have questions specific to your life? Feeling like a little Tarot just isn’t enough? You can dial in with Lisa Here for personalized insight on what’s up for you and how you can make the most of it…

 HERE. Or you can check back Sundays as my gift to you.

Have questions specific to your life? Feeling like a little Tarot just isn’t enough? You can dial in with Lisa Here for personalized insight on what’s up for you and how you can make the most of it…

The Card of the Week gives an overall theme like a container to hold the individual days together. Use it like frosting on the cake to add the final layer that adds sweet unity to all the rest of it.
Video from Lisa!! This appears just once on LA-Story.com and I provide you the link back to the video in each daily card post in case you need to see Lisa Greenfield’s very specific insights almost live!
Here’s the video because today is for the card of the week + Day One

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Lisa Greenfield for Card of the Week 9/12/2016 -9/118/2016 and Card for Day One

Card of the Week: Six of Swords

six swords


Ah, the worst is over and while there may be a few more ups and downs, you are out of the toughest part of the storm. Your mind is always the last one to let you off the hook so your job is to park your inner critic long enough to see the rainbow that is shining ahead of you. It may be tempting to get a little edgy or nervous around the astrological bumps in the week, anxiety is normal in unfamiliar territory. But see the whole picture and remember you have sailed through high winds to arrive on the far side of bad weather. Now talk back to those worried voices in your head or your ear this week and remember you have smooth sailing ahead with each card of the day!

Card of the Day:
Day One:

The Wanderer

With this card and a Mercury – Mars square you absolutely have to let go of what you thought was going to happen so you can make the most of what is in front of you. Tens are empowered ones and Arrows are your mind, so the question is how kind or how frightening a story are building around what things mean today? Are you willing to swap out the old, harsh or punishing story and replace it with one that has a happy ending, no matter how hard it may be to see that better outcome from where you stand today? This is the real work, retraining your brain to trust the path you are on, what you can do with it and where it will take you. Can you do that today? I’m betting you are closer to this stretch goal than you think you are…

Take Action:
ick one story you’ve got cooking about something that isn’t going the way you want and rewrite it using everything you see but putting the happiest possible reason and result on it. Go ahead, write it!

Have a great week!

Lisa Greenfield

PS from Stevie:
I don’t read the card before I put this together. I learn about it as you are learning about it pretty much (usually with one day lead or even a couple of hours). So as I am reading about the card for Day 1 and what it means, I almost fell off my chair! I had just started a sudden burst of frenzied cleaning and seeking to get my office cleaned up and organized THIS WEEK. That was before I even read about the card.
Lisa Greenfield is amazing!!

Find Lisa Greenfield at www.TruthinHand.com

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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!

Stevie Wilson,




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