It’s a Bumpy Road with This Week’s Tarot Card (3/13), Tarot Card for Day 1, 3/13!

This week there is a dance between inner resources meeting obstacles or delays that require finesse. Still feeling the effect of last week’s Cardinal Cross and Sunday’s Full Moon, it’s important to use your strength wisely this week. The energy is best served to keep that inner transformation going and let the outside world show you your progress.

Instead of trying to change outside events, people, situations you are most effective when you clear away outdated beliefs. For example, I talked to two people this week on opposite sides of a fight. Each one was committed to being right and outraged at how the other had screwed up. Sounds like Congress, but I digress. Their commitment to a point of view where the other was wrong and needed to change behavior had them in a fine state of rage.

This is some of the fallout from that February Lunar Eclipse that took the gag order off so people can speak up for themselves. Then the question becomes, what happens after the verbal bombs drop? Rage and indignation can get all out of proportion to the situation which is frequently the case when the genie finally pops out of the bottle. There is a lot of history behind those feelings.

You have your own emotional vault of hurts, fears, rage and pain – some that felt too awful to look at – so they get deep-sixed for storage. Now situations and people are call up those old wounds for healing and perspective is a powerful tool. The person in front of you, the situation at work, the family drama has roots that go way down. Use this time to pull out the weeds of judgement.

Wherever you’ve put a value statement on someone or something else, check the underlying belief that created that judgement. I guarantee you things have shifted. You aren’t the helpless child anymore. So the Astrology and the Cards have some insight to help you feel powerful, starting with your own internal landscape before you try to clean up someone else’s garbage.

Wishing you a wonderful week of discovery ahead.

Here is Lisa Greenfield’s weekly forecast in video format:

Monday is the ONLY day this week that the embed will be shown on this blog. You can watch/listen to it on Or you can see it on as well. Every other day of this week, you will find a link back to this post on this week’s readings from Lisa Greenfield!

Card of the Week: The Green Man


For the Green Man and the Astrology this week I have to quote the Wildwood Tarot directly.
“This is a time for both giving and receiving the natural flow of life both inwardly and outwardly”.
Having just wrapped up the previous week’s Cardinal Cross and Full Moon that highlighted our Relationship Revolution, the theme continues to press for real change this week, both inside and out. Abundance is your reward for the work and what a bonanza indeed. However with Neptune in Pisces it has to ultimately benefit the community as well or it cannot last.
Still, this card is tangible proof to remind you, you reap what you sow. If the crop doesn’t satisfy you, then take a good look at the seeds you’ve planted before you blame anything else. The promise here is when you sow curiosity instead of defensiveness, you get exploration rather than battles.
Where you sow patience rather than an agenda you get rich new resources you didn’t know were there. It’s a fertile time so plant your seeds with care and learn from your present harvest. It’s a rich time to be alive.

Monday: The Stag (Reversed)


With The Stag Reversed, this is where you are sometimes at the mercy of what feels unfair to you. You know that place where the right thing doesn’t happen? Evil triumphs or a liar gets away with it or even gets rewarded for lying.
Today with Mercury in Aries your sense of outrage could surface.
How do you handle it when life doesn’t offer up a just outcome?
Do you respond with calm resignation, outraged action, or maybe a decision to do as the cheater does?
How do you make your world safe when things aren’t always fair?
It’s an important question and it serves to help you put down a foundation for how you operate in relationships in this year of revolution. You can’t get it wrong for you, but you do want to know how you deal with it. This allows you to expand your world knowing that you can take care of yourself when the world doesn’t.

Take Action:
How do you deal with injustice? What’s your belief and where can you see your adult strength to affect the situation rather than be at the mercy of it?

Good luck this week!

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at

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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!
This is an amazing week. Full of bumps in the road and ways for you to grow. Do think about coming back to reread the posts for this week

Thanks for tuning into this session of Tarot for the week!

Take a good look at the last line in the TAKING ACTION of the Day 1 card. It’s really important to be good to yourself while you are trying to evolve, change and let go of fears that hold you back.

Stevie Wilson,




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One thought on “It’s a Bumpy Road with This Week’s Tarot Card (3/13), Tarot Card for Day 1, 3/13!

  1. I really like pulling out the weeds of judgement. I have some real live weeds in my garden, and will use this metaphor as a meditation while I take care of inner and outer weeds. Thanks, Lisa.

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