Tarot for Day 2: 3/21/17: What’s the Meaning Behind the Second “Five” , Five of Stones?

It’s here, one of the most important weeks of the year my friend. Are you ready to turn a giant corner? With the Spring Equinox next week you’re likely to experience quite a mental storm, one to rival the Nor’Easters of New England. Let’s call that the inner critic.

The question is which direction do you want to go from here? Turn left or turn right – everyone chooses this next week. Not choosing leaves you with the default patterns of your past and I can almost guarantee that those aren’t so comfortable anymore. Let’s call that the Briar patch.

It is the easiest time ever to leave the past difficulties behind and see the clean slate offered you and make the most of it. With gale force winds of change to help push you out of the stuck place and into freedom, use the strength you have to sail with it and trust you can navigate from there when things calm. Guess what? That’s the Optimist at work.

Use your fear to guide you because your greatest power to expand is always right behind the fear that limits it. There’s a big opening in your world ushered in with the Spring. The fear is always equaled by the power to deal with whatever happens.

You are your own best authority, what you believe, you will see evidence of, so shift those unwelcome beliefs with the energy this week. The cards will help…

P.S. If you are receiving this and you don’t normally get my weekly updates, it’s because this week was so important I wanted everyone to have good guidance to weather the bumps for the days ahead. So enjoy and if you want this delivered to you instead of checking back you can get that for less than $.50 a week. Get yours here.

Monday is the ONLY day this week that the embed will be shown on this blog. You can watch/listen to it on truthinhand.com Or you can see it on youtube.com as well. Every other day of this week, you will find a link back to this  LA-Story.com post on this week’s readings from Lisa Greenfield!


Day 2; Tuesday 3/21/2017: Five of Stones


his is the second five in a row and two fives signal personal uncertainty. It’s okay to not be sure.
Stones are about patient creation, while fives bring in the creative aspect. So don’t expect immediate results. But these two also remind you, don’t quit when you are so close to the finish line! I know it can feel like nothing good has come of all your effort. It’s okay to have a few minutes of pity party for your long-suffering investment that still doesn’t have a reward. But don’t give up, change is so close. I promise you this, it is all changing and faster than you know. So borrow from yesterday’s tool and visualize to help you get through the dark moments. Picture yourself having run all but the last few seconds of the most important race you can remember. Then see the finish line just ahead. You are almost home. The Astrology today with Neptune and Juno speaks to soul contracts being played out. This is important stuff you’ve got in front of you. Trust your progress.

TVisualize a bridge from the old to the new and you’re building it over to the new land. Two fives in a row means lather, rinse, repeat this actions step as needed.

Take Action:
Use visualization today as the antidote for fearful or negative thinking. Give it a job to do and create with it instead.

Good luck this week!

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at www.TruthinHand.com

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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!
This is an amazing week. Full of bumps in the road and ways for you to grow. Do think about coming back to reread the posts for this week

Thanks for tuning into this session of Tarot for the week!

Stevie Wilson,




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