Tarot for Week 4/10-4/16, Tarot for Day 1 (4/10/17): Full Moon + Mercury Retrograde Are Complicated!

Well the cards and the stars want you to know there’s no place like home. However if you are attached to ‘home’ being anyplace outside of you, there may be some seismic activity to help straighten you out this week.

What you are meant to know, and I mean really know, is that you have everything you require within you right now to make your dreams come true. Are you brave enough to trust that? Because no matter what it looks like, every single thing in your life is there to give you a richer experience on your way ‘home’. This week you have to let the chaos be present for a little while to help bring you a wealth of bigger opportunities.

The challenge is in that pesky Pluto, the Dark Lord Transformer, sitting in Capricorn that wants it done perfectly. In the quest to find ‘just right’ you can miss out on the invitation for you to help create what is ‘just right’. In other words, be willing to see what’s in your life as raw clay that you shape into the work of art that is your life.

Risky? Yes. Challenging? Sometimes. Are you willing? Because if you are conscious of the opportunity that sits in front of you and willing to risk yourself – then this week can deliver some real pay dirt. It’s the beginning so don’t expect to have the last ten minutes of the movie flash before you. You shape the eventual ending in the way you handle this week. It’s a beginning, be patient as you are part of what unfolds! The cards and stars can help. Let’s begin…

P.S. If you are receiving this and you don’t normally get my weekly updates, it’s because this week was so important I wanted everyone to have good guidance to weather the bumps for the days ahead. So enjoy and if you want this delivered to you instead of checking back you can get that for less than $.50 a week. Get yours here.

Lisa Greenfield’s Video Tarot Readings for this week:

Monday is the ONLY day this week that the embed of Lisa Greenfield’s Video Forecast will be shown on this blog. You can watch/listen to it on truthinhand.com Or you can see it on youtube.com as well. Every other day of this week, you will find a link back to this  LA-Story.com post on this week’s readings from Lisa Greenfield!

Card for Week: Ten of Stones




Tens are always an empowered one to the tenth degree so this week you can see where and what you have created in your life and take comfort in experiencing your strength. Because stones are the slowest moving this is not quick success, but instead is where you have spent time, effort, risk over time. Look at years not months, weeks or days. What have your relationships taught you about trust, resilience, power and strength? Can you interpret any so called ‘mistakes’ in a different light, one that is kinder and more expansive? When you do that, suddenly you can see home and like Dorothy with the Ruby Slippers, you’ve had the power all along. ‘There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.’



Card for Day 1 (4/10/2017): King of Bows



This fiery King is tailor made to preside over a day stacked with Astrological aspects. One of the keys to this King is that he has the ability to bring together things that don’t seem to be able to go together. Fire melts all the boundaries and let’s something new emerge out of the flames. The Grand Cross with Moon, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are all in play today along with Eris, the planet of strife. So for today, trust the disruptions. Your watchwords today are ‘grounded’ and ‘kind’. The goal is to learn to keep your feet planted in physical reality while your intuition helps you sense what is coming. That unknown expansion brings up tension so therefore, grounded and kind are important. Don’t try to think your way, feel your way a moment at a time. It is coming together.

Take Action:
Trust any chaos and tackle it a bite at a time, seeing yourself as in command of anything that comes up. Exhale….

Good luck this week!

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at www.TruthinHand.com

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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution of great insight into the Tarot for the day and the week for this site!!
This is an amazing week. Full of bumps in the road and ways for you to grow. Do think about coming back to reread the posts for this week

Thanks for tuning into this session of Tarot for the week!

Stevie Wilson,




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3 Attachments

One thought on “Tarot for Week 4/10-4/16, Tarot for Day 1 (4/10/17): Full Moon + Mercury Retrograde Are Complicated!

  1. Something is off with the video feed. Grounded and kind are good bywords to have in times of upheaval. We are in those times. Thanks, Lisa.

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