Taltopia.com is a new site that recently launched and hosted a lush party at Boulevard 3 in Hollywood and wowed people with their tag line: Claim Your Fame at Taltopia.com .
Key players in this event were Claim Your Fame Taltopia.com founders:
Reality Cares’ Todd Michael Krim and Anthony Zanontian and Allen Vartazarian of Taltopia.com
Special red carpet appearances were made by:
Golden Brooks (Beauty Shop),
Jai Rodriguez (Bravo’s Queer Eye For The Straight Guy),
Shana Wall & Tian Kitchen (The Amazing Race),
Model Verina Marcel ,
Rebecca Cardon, Brian Peeler & JD Jordan (Bravo’s Work Out),
Dominique Sharpe (Oxygen’s The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency),
Jeff Pickel & Brett Novek (America’s Most Smartest Model),
James Rhine (Big Brother),
Rib Hillis (Extreme Home Makeover) and Tian Kitchen (Amazing Race)
Diego Currier (Love Test),
Summer Altice (Playboy Playmate),
Enrique Sapena, Alexcy Aranguren, Janet Michel, Gisel Saumat & Roseny Carrero (VH1’s Viva Hollywood),
Tony Duran (Celebrated Photographer), and Avo Yermagyan, Gaudy PR
Orna Etkovich Gusinski (VP of Fashion TV), among others…
Thom Fleming Skincare founder, Clint Nicholas with Todd Michael Krim, Reality Cares
TechZulu covered this event.
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It’s nice that they got some e-listers for their launch party, but a better endorsement would have been for the participants to actually become members of the site. It makes it look like they only came out for the party and don’t think it is a viable enterprise.