Jill Kirsh Shares a “Colors Thing” with Heather Parcells, One of Broadway’s Best!

Jill Kirsh sent me a news blast about doing a video with Heather Parcells.  I  think what Jill and Heather did together is both interesting and helpful.
I am featuring quotes from Jill and Heather and am embedding the Youtube video so that you can check it out easily!

Jill Kirsh introduces this video!

So I did a “colors thing” with one of Broadway’s best – Heather Parcells.
She edited the video together and I want to share it with you!


The photo below is of Heather Parcells! 


Here is the video and it’s an embed from Youtube!

 Link to youtube  video:

You might need to turn up the sound, and you might want to zoom in on the video. It’s a great video and demonstration about how
” Jill Kirsh Color” System. It’s so easy to use. Not only is it easy. If you follow the program that Jill Kirsh talks about, you will find
that your wardrobe works with you and you will look amazing!  How do I know? Jill Kirsh did a color program on me (Stevie Wilson) about 10 years ago.
It change my entire wardrobe and the colors I wore were exceptionally flattering.  I follow Jill’s program all the time!

Jill’s commentary!

I mean just imagine how cool it would be to have your closet filled with all your best shades of every color AND have all your pieces coordinating with each other AND looking your most beautiful every single day!!


I would like to thank Heather Parcells  and Jill Kirsh for sharing this video!!

You can check out Jill Kirsh Color at this link:https://jillkirshcolor.com/


Stevie Wilson,
If you have a question, you can email me at stevie.wilson@LA-Story.com

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