Cool Down in the Summer Heat with Tenneyson’s Riff on a Classic Cocktail!

To cool down in the Summer heat,
here is a simple Tenneyson riff on a classic cocktail…
Bermuda’s favorite Dark n’ Stormy.

Legend says that the original island elixir got its name from an old sailor comparing the cocktail’s murky hue to the look of gathering storm clouds. The unproven tale harkens back to the seafaring history and culture of Bermuda.

In 1806, the Mercury, a chartered English clipper captained by James Gosling dodged the 200 square miles of coral reef surrounding Bermuda, safely landing after 91 days at sea.

James’ descendants became one of the most prominent families on Bermuda and started making their own rum in 1857.

This “Black Seal” rum soon came to be paired with another Bermuda staple, Ginger Beer, bringing to life the now-world-famous Dark n’ Stormy. A more refreshing cocktail has yet to be found, and we now have a n/a version worthy of being mentioned in the same breath…the T-Storm.

The brand substituted deeply-colored Tenneyson Black Ginger for Goslings Black Seal Rum, then poured it over their Stormy Ginger Beer. The result is the only T-Storm that we would ever actually want to be caught in.

Directions for our T-Storm:

Fill a tall Collins glass with ice.

Pour 4-5 ounces of Goslings Stormy Ginger Beer over the ice.

Over the back of a spoon, float 2 ounces of Tenneyson Black Ginger on top.

Garnish with a lime wedge or wheel.

*Serve layered,   Stir before you drink!

Sip With Intention

Bold | Flavorful | Complex


Stevie Wilson
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