Did You Know that Oct. 10 is “National Face Your Fears Day?

Did you know that October 10th is National Face Your Fears Day?

It’s time to share a source who can spread awareness and tips
on how to manage one of the most common fears – needle phobia.

Needle phobia affects a staggering 75% of children, 50% of adolescents, and 25% of adults. This fear often carries into adulthood, and oftentimes, traumatic experiences during needle procedures prevent them from seeking life-saving medical care.
Dr. Evelyn Chan, pediatrician and CEO of Smileyscope (www.Smileyscope.com) has some solutions for everyone
from children to adults!
Dr. Evelyn Chan had firsthand experience with this with her autistic brother and working in hospitals of traumatized children. She decided to create a medical virtual reality device that has proven to reduce patient pain (by 60%) and anxiety (by 40%). This has been used during procedures such as:
vaccines, venipuncture, anesthetic, ER procedures, oncology/infusions, and women’s health procedures.
Evelyn also conducted the world’s largest studies on medical VR for the management of pain/anxiety with needle procedures, so she is an excellent source on this topic.
Feel free to use any of the quotes below in an article. Please reach out if we can answer more questions or if you are interested in interviewing Dr. Chan, pediatrician and CEO of Smileyscope (www.Smileyscope.com) – please link.
How can individuals prepare themselves ahead of a vaccination/blood draw appointment?
Preparing for a vaccination or blood draw can help reduce anxiety and make the experience smoother. Here are some steps you can take:
  1. Explain the procedure: Before your appointment, familiarize yourself with what to expect during the vaccination or blood draw. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider.
  2. Distract and relax: Engage in activities that can distract you before and during the procedure. This can include reading a book, listening to music, or practicing deep breathing exercises to help reduce anxiety.
  3. Positive reinforcement: Remind yourself that getting vaccinated or having blood drawn is an important step in maintaining your health. Focus on the benefits of the procedure and the protection it provides.
  4. Partner with the healthcare team: Communicate with your healthcare provider about any anxieties or concerns you may have. They can offer guidance and support to make the experience as comfortable as possible. Additionally, inquire about pain management options like numbing creams or positioning that may help minimize discomfort. Some hospitals may even offer medical virtual reality devices.
Do you have any pain-minimizing tips during a vaccination?
During the actual blood draw, here are some pain-minimizing tips, which we call the 3 ‘P’s:
  1. Physical numbing:
    Discuss with your healthcare provider whether a numbing cream or cold pack is appropriate.
    These options can help numb the area and reduce pain during the procedure.
  2. Positioning:
     Ensure you are in a comfortable and relaxed position during the appointment.
    Ask your healthcare provider about the best positioning for your specific procedure.
  3. Psychological techniques:
    Engage in conversations or bring distractions like music or a stress-relief toy to divert your attention from the needle. Practice deep breathing to relax your body and minimize discomfort.
    For example, Medical virtual reality can help you reframe ‘scary’ needle sensations into a
    more positive sensations, such as virtual fish nibbling.
How can parents help combat needle phobia/medical anxiety so their child doesn’t fear needle procedures as they get older?
To help combat needle phobia and medical anxiety as your child grows older, consider the following:
  1. Positive experiences:
    Seek out healthcare providers who are experienced in working with children and have a gentle approach.
    Positive experiences with caring professionals can help alleviate anxiety and build trust.
  2. Open communication:
    Encourage your child to express their fears and concerns openly.
    Provide reassurance, validate their feelings, and listen actively.
    Be supportive and offer comfort during medical appointments.
  3. Role-playing:
    Consider engaging in role-playing activities where you or your child can play the role of a healthcare provider and practice procedures like blood draws. This can help familiarize them with the process and reduce anxiety.
  4. Gradual exposure:
    Gradually expose your child to medical environments and procedures. Where possible, start with less invasive experiences and gradually progress to more involved ones. This exposure can help desensitize them to their fears over time.
What should adults avoid doing that might make things worse?
Here are some things adults should avoid doing to prevent worsening the situation:
  1. Minimizing or dismissing fears:
    Don’t downplay or ignore your fears.
    Acknowledge your feelings and seek support and guidance to address them effectively.
  2. Pretending there won’t be a vaccination:
    Avoid misleading yourself by pretending there won’t be a vaccination or blood draw during the appointment. Honesty is crucial for managing anxiety effectively.
  3. Using threats or bribes:
    Refrain from using threats or bribery to force yourself into compliance.
    Such tactics can increase fear and make the experience more distressing.
  4. Sharing negative experiences:
    Avoid sharing negative stories or experiences related to vaccinations or blood draws with yourself or others. This can heighten unnecessary anxiety and anticipation.
Remember that each person is unique, and it’s essential to tailor your approach to their individual needs and temperament. If your fear or anxiety persists or significantly affects your well-being, consider seeking professional help from a psychologist.
Notes from Stevie!
The tips from  Dr. Chan are spot on. I have tried some of these tips and found that the tips I used
were very helpful in reducing my fear of needles. I was able to get 3 different shots on 3 different days
and the shots didn’t bother me at all!


Stevie Wilson
If you have a question, you can email me at stevie.wilson@LA-Story.com
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