Tarot With TruthinHand: Safe In Your Body; 3/25-3/2019.
At about age two we start to explore the world, curious to discover what’s around us. To do that, we…
LA Girl in the Know and on the Go!
At about age two we start to explore the world, curious to discover what’s around us. To do that, we…
Mercury retrograde is happening right now. It runs from March 5-28 and then Mercury goes into positive or forward motion….
We judge. We criticize. We measure what we give and we receive on a subconscious level. It’s the survival…
How To Embrace Self-Love In 2019 Self-love has become more and more prominent in the media and…
No this isn’t a cataclysm prediction for this week. The Key to Disaster Management is in your mind, my…
Wrap up this foundational setting January with a Lunar Eclipse that offers a space-age heart fusion with the mind. Typically…
Lisa Greenfield has featured this post and I am sharing it with you because it’s important to get a “global…
If your mind still reels from the Full Moon Thanksgiving, you aren’t alone. Reports are flowing in and this was…