Lelia Broussard Hits Hotel Cafe Monday 6/8 8 PM & 6/14 @ Sainte Rock!

Lelia Broussard is an up & coming singer who is making serious inroads into the musical indie/alt music scene in the US. Already established in Japan, Lelia is touring relentlessly across the US to promote her new CD, “Waiting on the 9” .
This CD was a result of Lelia’s move to LA and decision to be executive producer of the new project by financing it herself rather than give up creative control or the rights to her music.
Lelia Broussard
Working with a new band and producer, Dave Trumfio, (Wilco and My Morning Jacket) the group has emerged from the studio with a record that truly reflects Lelia’s fantastic live sound. Her ability to shift styles and genres effortlessly is amazing and Waiting on the 9 reflects her ecclecticism and her ability.
“Music is about passion and life, and life is more than one dimension, and so what I write reflects that, I hope.”, says Lelia.
Waiting on the 9 is heavily influenced by the Motown sound, but with a fresh new perspective as evidenced in the title track to the EP.
“The song Waiting on the 9 is about people waiting on their lives to start, and living in the past..I thought it would be a cool thing to tie that idea to the 9 train in New York which stopped running about five years back.”

Don’t Let Go..
Local appearances:
June 8, Monday 8 PM @ Hotel Cafe, Los Angeles
June 14, Sunday, 8 PM @ Saint Rocke, Hermosa BeachStreaming mp3: Scared to Feel
Check her page on www.myspace.com/leiliabroussard for more tour dates
This is one singer you need to see! Stay tuned .. there will be MORE on Lelia Broussard soon! (or as soon as we can coordinate calendars and meet up)
Stevie Wilson

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