What is it that so many women are searching for Mr. Right (and I have a slew of friends who are) and in some cases, it’s maybe not Mr. Right, but Mr. Right Now— not a permanent thing but one where they actually want to hang with someone who’s courteous, polite, doesn’t drink everything in your liquor stash and cleans up well. (If I sound skeptical and a bit jaded, there’s good reason.)
One Mr. Chris Abraham (Abraham Harrison) and a frequent visitor on this blog wrote a post that I found most interesting: Essential Reading for the Smart Single Girl, In this post, Abraham talks about the plethora of books for women on how to find a man– and a man you actually want to be with. Written for the NY POST by Mandy Stadtmiller, Chris takes a look at each book that Mandy talks about and pulls the most effective, salient quote from each synopsis.
Here’s the list of titles that he’s included:
Dating for dummies by Mandy Stadtmiller
Why He didn’t Call You Back. by Rachel Greenwald
How to Shop for a Husband,” by Janice Lieberman
“Prince Harming Syndrome,” Karen Salmansohn which sounds wierd but isn’t like it sounds. It actually makes sense.
Crash Course in Love,” Steve Ward and JoAnn Ward
Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough,” Lori Gottlieb.
This is one that will have a lot of chatter from and between women and particularly online. (it’s already there.)
Here’s a comment made by Abraham in the context of his Facebook page in response to a post by someone (a woman) who knows him.
… the very last one is the missing one — the one that most people forget is the most important one — in my life — is the “or he’s pretty sure you don’t want to have sex with him so why bother” — men are stupid — we need you basically to make our first move relatively safe because in 2010 there are a lot of women who make it very obvious to us they like us so we assume that anyone who isn’t so earnest isn’t into us.
The bottom line is that you have to forgo the games yet still make it interesting. Don’t just look for the ‘bad boys’ because they will inevitably let you down– and it might take a year or so (or longer) to figure that out– but look for someone with whom you could friends and still be attracted to. Hard to manage that I know but it’s true.
If you can’t talk to the guy, the relationship isn’t going to get better if you move in, get engaged or get married.
Obviously this is topic worthy of a podcast! Now if we can get Mr. Abraham on the line– ring ring!
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com
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