During February Lauren Luke is partnering with Sony for a special giveaway.
Lauren Luke
Valentine’s Day is all about making someone feel special, and that’s just
what Lauren aims to do through her makeup line, video tutorials, and social media outreach. Coming right off the heels of her “Inspiration Nation Tour” and to celebrate Valentine’s Day, Lauren is giving away a pink Sony VAIO laptop through a contest on her website www.ByLaurenLuke.com
Contest starts February 12th and ends February 28th.
The winner will be announced March 7th
Pink Sony Vaio.
To Enter
Lauren’s friends and fans should visit www.ByLaurenLuke.com to tell us
what they LOVE and how it has inspired them to do something unexpected.
Their love story can be between them and anything from a significant other —
spouse, mother, a child or best friend – to… well, makeup even.
Whatever it is, Lauren wants to hear about it.
A winner will be selected by the Lauren Luke team based on their level of passion, originality, and inspiration.
Why a Sony VAIO?
Lauren’s entire brand has been built on the back of digital technology. The
technology she uses on a daily basis gives her the access and the ability to maintain and grow her swelling foundation of friends and fans: 69 million views on YouTube, 300,000+ subscribers, over 700,000 visitors to her site, and millions more throughout the web. She depends on technology to record,
edit, and post videos from her room in South Shields, England. It allows
her to keep in touch via Twitter and Facebook. Lauren would not be where she is today if it weren’t for technology.
Lauren Luke
The Partnership
Sony has long established itself as the premiere brand/company for a digital
lifestyle. From phones, to computers, to cameras, to microphones, to TV’s,
Sony is a category leader in design, function, and performance.
Lauren epitomizes the digital lifestyle and Sony is a company that
powers it. It seems only fitting that these two brands would come together
to make someone feel special this Valentine’s season; giving them a piece of
technology that might help them achieve something unexpected in their own
For more information on Lauren, her makeup line or the Valentine’s Day
promotion, visit www.ByLaurenLuke.com
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com
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