Urbanbloke.com Provides Haute New Site to Shop for Men — and ONLY Men. Kyle Wilkinson Tells All (Almost!)

It was an interesting email that came across my inbox that told me of a new site called Urbanbloke.com. Interesting in two ways– as you know I am a girl but there are many times I get mistaken for a guy until they hear my voice. The more interesting part of the email is that it was for a new sample sale/flash sale (for those who don’t get it — ahem, guys– it’s a limited time, limited quantity price reduction on select products or brands). for MEN– and only men!!!
Unlike other sample sale or flash sale sitesw here menswear and gear are mixed with women, children and home decor– which drives men crazy as they sift through the listings, this site is quite the opposite. Women are customers because they are purchasing items for the men in their lives.
Kyle Wilkinson, the CEO of Urbanbloke.com, released his inner entrepreneur, leaving behind a 20 year career arc in finance, technology and product development. to help a build out a small non-profit organization in honor of a friend & neighbor who was a victim of pediatric cancer. Realizing his success in this field, Wilkinson moved on to advise non-profits in branding and the deployment of social media.
Seeing the changes in the retail landscape emerging, Kyle took that entrepreneurial leap of faith to create the one fashion niche that was underserved– or not recognized as a niche at all– the idea of a true men’s flash sale site devoted to the “guy’s guy.” In following his dream and passion, Wilkinson raised initial capital, oversaw the site build and put together a talented team of individuals with extensive backgrounds in finance, investment banking, marketing, fashion retail, technology and software design. These are all incredibly smart moves. Then Kyle made an even smarter move: he pulled together an advisory board of business and marketing experts plus included Tony and Emmy award-winning fashion experts.

Urbanbloke.com is a highly curated fashion site for the guy’s guy, and the accessories that he might need: watches, belts, shoes and other accoutrements that fit into the work world and others for their casual life. Not only fashion, but Kyle Wilkinson, former financial and tech guru and brains behind this site, has the style savvy to include select men’s grooming products along with gadgets and tech/toys.
Site screen shot.
Wilkinson’s got this site nailed– it’s a guys’ site. Stripped down, clean and not a lot of inventory to dig through. Sleek and savvy, his timem spent in tech projects has paid off in spades: a site that’s as comfortable as a favorite pub without the fuss and muss of digging through a million offerings. Prices are reduced– no guarantee on how much is off, but I recently purchased a Morphine Generation tee and a Soverign check shirt for under $60 total!
UrbanBloke sales for 4/14/2010
I know a unique story when I see one. Having spent time for a year working for a nationally distributed men’s magazine writing about men’s grooming, I know how difficult it is for the modern man to find exactly what he is looking for. I think that the contemporary man of today can find it at Urbanbloke.com
I managed to finagle an interview with Urbanbloke CEO Kyle Wilkinson and you can listen to it below.

Guys– you are blokes aren’t you? Don’t forget to sign up for Urbanbloke.com, a free members-only flash sale site. Don’t hesitate if you find something you like, because it will be gone by the time you get back to the site. It’s called flash sale for a reason– it’s gone in a flash. You snooze, you lose.
www.urbanbloke.com — here’s an invite from me to you!
Ladies, you are welcome to open up an account and start shopping for the men in your life. Set up wish lists for dads, grads, brothers, significant others, friends and maybe a mentor. You never know when this site will become crucial and having the count costs nothing but it sure saves time when you are already a member and can shop in a flash!
PS: For those with dads of any sort in your life, grads and friends with birthdays and anniversaries, this might be a great way to shop ahead at stellar prices to get a gift that’s not seen at every department store. This is your cool little boutique for men with a distinctly guy attitude and it’s so easy to get to because it’s online!
Thank you to Kyle Wilkinson for his time and sharing about his experience with Urbanbloke.com.
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com
Follow me on http://www.twitter.com/lastory

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