We had a return visit with Kyle Wilkinson, CEO of Urbanbloke.com, the fashion-savvy, guy-friendly flash sale site for guys clothing, accessories and gear. We asked him to chat about gifts for father’s day and he brought his son, Alex, who is interning (across all divisions of Urbanbloke) for the summer and learning what it takes to work the crossroads where the web, flash sales and fashion meet– for men!
What we got was an interesting and diverse conversation about what’s hot and happening in the world of Urbanbloke.com and it’s truly a conversation that’s as reflective of the two men as it is of the site and people behind it. What’s interesting is that this isn’t so upscale a fashion site as to run most regular guys out of town.
I have shopped it and been very pleasantly surprised at the diversity of the brands as well as the quality (which is terrific) and the price breaks ( 20-80% off). I purchased a Ben Sherman checked shirt and a Morphine Generation tee and with shipping, didn’t break $60!! So this is serious bargain shopping — with limited quanities and an equally limited time frame.
Shop this weekend and you will have till Tuesday at 2 PM before these sales vanish and the coming sales start. Don’t forget to check those out too. Skull Candy headphones, Taverniti jeans, and lots more cool stuff
Want to be part of UrbanBloke.com? Here’s an invite from me for you– and it comes with a $5 off coupon for your next visit– and you will visit again- -I promise. I did!
Click this LINK and you will just have to plug in your info, no code to remember, the link does it all for you.
Stevie , LA-Story.com
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