Le Boot Camp’s Valerie Orsoni is back to tell us all about how to get fit before we take off on vacation. I prompted this interview because I am heading out for two major trips this summer in opposite directions but I wanted to have some guidance from the great fitness guru who gave me the “Brazilian move” to lift and tighten my glutes over the holidays. (and it really works. Where to find it? Join www.lebootcamp.com )
What better person to talk to than a woman who doesn’t want t deprive herself but wants to look good. Valerie offers some great tips in this video on how to get your body — inside and out– ready for vacation time- even if you are stay-cationing. Her tips make sense and I have implemented a lot of them.
Stay tuned, there’s another video on how to keep the fitness going while on vacation. Just because you go off someplace — or no place– doesn’t mean fitness stops. It’s the journey of being the best you can be- healhy and fit.
Thank you fo Valerie Orsoni for giving me some time out of her very busy day in LA!!
Stevie , LA-Story.com
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