Make Summer TV Sizzle with Burn Notice Season 3 on DVD!

Jeffrey Donovan does a voice-over as Michael Westen every episode about spies being fired, they don’t get a chance to pack up and walk away with severance. Nope, they get burned: left without a credit card or id or any means of support in whatever city they happen to land in- and that’s how the series starts. As a black-listed spy, everyone’s out to get you and with Michael Westen it’s no different.


With Burn Notice Season 3 (which I saw completely within the season schedule), it was a stepped up pace and ratchetd up the tension of the series. Now you can see it all again– or for the first time– by watching it on DVD, you can see it without the commericials and whip right through the action with Gilroy — a new villain– and the change in the relationship between Michael and Fiona. Sam and Madeleine (Sharon Gless nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Emmys 2010) make this a season that really is scorching hot.

Season 3 features Michael Westen coming face to face with the group of people that burned him. Michael must figure out his next move while staying ahead of anyone else that may have him in their crosshairs. In the meantime, he continues to use his unique skills and training to help people in desperate need of assistance


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Fiona, Michael and Sam

Season 3 features the following episodes and some really great guest stars (Carlos Bernard, Tyne Daly and Moon Bloodgood).

DVD disc & episode breakdown

Disc 1: 188 Minutes
Friends and Family
Question and Answer
End Run
Fearless Leader

Disc 2: 180 Minutes
Signals and Codes
The Hunter
Shots in the Dark
Friends Like These

Disc 3: 180 Minutes
Long Way Back
A Dark Road
Friendly Fire
Noble Causes

Disc 4: 190 Minutes
Dressed to Kill
Enemies Closer
Good Intentions
Devil You Know

More Special Features
Smash, Crash, Boom: Inside the Burn Notice Stunt Unit
2009 Comic-con International Panel in which Bruce Campbell stole the show.