We love Armani Beauty for all the great colors and textures and things they put out there for women to play with (some are suitable for men, like that new Powder Foundation!). We love Creative Director Tim Quinn more for all the time he gives us on what’s new, what’s hot with celebrities, techniques and what’s coming for fall (currently on counter) and other things about to launch in November
Here’s the really important part of this blog: the video interview with Tim and PR Director Renee Judzan.
Emmy Week with Armani Beauty’s Tim Quinn! from stevie wilson on Vimeo.
Here’s the swag that was given to celebrities attending the GBK Emmy Suite in LA
This was the collection of swag talked about in the video. The Aqua di Goia— amazing! It’s a fabulous fragrance and I love my “lovely parting gift”
The Fall Armani Beauty Collection is available online at www.giorgioarmanibeauty-usa.com and in stores. Note that not all products featured are in stores yet. The powder foundation– to die for!! You need & want that!!
Thank you to Tim Quinn & Renee Judzan for their time. They were dashing off to the GBK Suite to set up for a TV interview.
Stevie Wilson, LA-Story.com
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