Music Legend David Bowie’s birthday is today, Saturday January 8th . Born in 1947, Bowie’s career has had many arcs and evolutions and and Archive 1887 has the sure way to pay homage to the him.
Archive 1887 is a rock -inspired luxe T-shirt brand, featuring exclusive images extracted from an archived database within Sony Music. Archive 1887 has gained a significant celebrity following and is a fan favorite for indie music lovers and rockers alike.
Bringing the music tee to a whole new experiential level, each t-shirt comes with a code that unlocks a streaming playlist of the artists’ music as well as historical background on the image.
There is one more Bowie shirt available but I can’t find it on site — yet–. Here it is and if you can’t find it, please contact Archive 1887 about it.
Each shirt is about $58 and you can find them all at Archive 1887
Happy Birthday Ziggy Stardust and to the fabulous Duke in the white suit.
Stevie Wilson,
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