StyleCoven’s Marie Bargas is one of my “go-to” people regarding all things astrological. Here’s her latest post and it mentions Austin Coppock who has been on this blog as well. I read his post a week ago and realized how much it nailed me. Since by the time you see this, we will have passed the vernal equinox — but everything will still be very relevantfor 7 days post equinox. So pay attention to her words about the Ascension Gate!
I was duly warned by astrologer Austin Coppock, “Struggle with yourself to do more than react to the situation(s) at hand. The energies being unleashed are not here simply to trigger fear. The Moon’s energies are those of generation and corruption, creation and destruction. While destruction is all that is in the news right now, remember that what is cleared away makes room, and that nature abhores a vacuum on every level.” From – Super Full Moon in Virgo: Mine Cup Runneth Over.
The opportunity to lose my temper and destroy world(s) came and went over the past 3 days with nothing more than strategically placed whispers instead of public meltdowns (thanks Austin). Today, as I celebrate the equinox at home I am still in the position of observer instead of in the thick of what could be a volatile situation. And boy, am I grateful!
For those of you who find yourselves in the midst of a raging battle left-over from this momentous planetary “Clash of the Titans” remember that we’re all just humans, trying to make sense out of a world that is collapsing around us. It’s alright to feel, to make mistakes and to witness endings and beginnings that are beyond our control or entirely our fault.
You see, another Ascension Gate opened. Some passed through with ease. Others stumbled through and landed on their faces or on their asses. And there’s another group that got left behind and are now rushing at the gate hoping to slip through the cracks.
Ok. Well I wish I had held my temper as well as Marie did. Turns out I did OK but not as well as I should have. I need to pay attention to Austin a bit more.
I found an interesting little bit from ASK ANGELS that I think explains it nicely.
“The energy will continue to build and peak on the Vernal Equinox, March 20th 2011, where an extremely powerful energy will be created. This Equinox energy is basically an ascension trigger; for humanity and the planet!
You don’t have to tune into these energies, and consciously integrate them into your life, but there is so much power in doing so! During the equinox, crystalline energy of light will be available for you to download, by tuning into your heart, allowing… and when you do a divine realignment, cleanse, and connection to your path and life’s purpose will occur.”
So, as events continue to unfold within the next 7 days here is some advice that might makes things a little easier.
•Forgive yourself and others as much as possible.
•Ask for what you think is right.
•Ask for what you think is your due.
•Do all the asking politely, without emotional attachment.
•Trust that you will get what you need although it may not be from who you wanted it from.
•And realize that everything you lose along the way is just extra baggage.
•Every failure is there to teach you a lesson.
•Every success is a miracle and a gift.
•Take yourself and everyone else less seriously.
•Laugh whenever you can.
•Love yourself, everyone else, the planet and your pets as much as possible
We love Marie for her fabulous blog and her timely advice. This is crucial right now. You need to let go and move forward. Make sure you check out for the most interesting pieces.
Stevie Wilson,
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