Rough Roses is a relatively new leather good line that features an intoxicating array of handbags, small leather goods, and belts in colors that will have wondering why you haven’t purchased more from this line.
We were able to snag some time with the owner/designer/mad genius of this line who has a substantial history in leather goods– having started the Linea Pelle line. This line far surpasses Linea Pelle in terms of design, colors and treatment of leather. This is a line that has fans from 17-70 because Rough Roses has designs that will dazzle and captivate.
You will have trouble walking out with just one bag– and given the prices of the bags compared to equal quality competition– this is an extremely affordable with basic designs and also really unique designs available in amazing colors that you don’t usuallly see. (When was the last time you saw a coral leather handbag? Or even one in orange or yellow– to me it’s a line that’s going to be haute, haute, HOT!!
With designs from casual to elegant in belts and bags, there’s a lot from which to choose. The photos here are just the spring line and I got to scope out the fall collection (YUM!!) of bags and belts as well as designs on the “drawing board” that are in transition to actual pieces.
Podcast with Wynn Katz, head designer, owner and mad genius behind the Rough Roses line.
Rough Roses 11859 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles California (424) 248-3026
Here are two bonus points for getting this far in the post:
25% off regular priced good for a LIMITED TIME . Use code SPRING11 to any online order.
If you stay tuned to this blog (and/or listened to the podcast), Wynn Katz will give readers of this blog advance coverage of the FALL collection (seriously droolworthy!!) long before the magazines run it on their pages and you can buy it sooner before the magazines hits the counters.
Thank you to Wynn Katz and his terrific staff.
Stevie Wilson,
Shop the Spring 2011 Color Collections at!
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