BDO Partner, Bob Pearlman Talks about the Economy, Start-ups & More! Podcast!!

Hey people, this is a post I did for, the blog for Defevere Advisory Group– a group some might know; and a group that those in tech, start-ups, innovation in all technology and social media sectors should know.

I was very lucky when Gray Defevere had introduced me to Bob Pearlman, a partner in BDO. Within a few minutes of speaking to Pearlman, I saw that the man with the quick wit and twinkling eyes would make a great interview for this blog (and mine) about business, the economy and where California is going (or not going).

A huge thank-you to Bob Pearlman who managed to give me some time to speak to him about these topics and some others in this podcast that has been broken into three parts. There’s a great deal of information within these podcasts– and you need time to digest it all.

This is part 1 of 3 part series of podcasts that will be found on Bob Pearlman’s conversation with me starts off with us talking about start-ups and life in the California economic “fast lane” and where the state is going.

Part ONE covers the following topics:
The economy and how it affects start-up companies– particularly in the technology sectors — and how start-ups affect the economy. It’s very much an example of how

Please stay tuned for part 2 of this conversation with Bob Pearlman, partner at BDO here in Los Angeles. It gets even better!!

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You can also find more information and newsbites on
Connect with Gray Defevere and his team on any of these social media sites.

Also if you have questions about anything in this podcast or anything else on the Defevere Advisory Group website , please visit this page.
Please stay tuned for part 2 of this conversation with Bob Pearlman, partner at BDO here in Los Angeles. It gets even better!!

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