Truth in Hand’s Lisa Greenfield is genius at reading hands. It’s not your future, it’s about who you are right now and where that might take you. But you can change any part of that by changing how you deal with events and emotions –like fear. Fear is often hard to face and even harder to work out. Yet Lisa Greenfield has put together a class that you can take that will help you work out the difficulties in facing fear.
Here’s what the class is about in Greenfield’s own words!
Fear is something we have wired into our biology for survival. It was a means of keeping us safe, because if we were afraid and didn’t push the boundaries and had a better chance of survival. Fear is also excitement without breath! When we breathe it brings oxygen to the brain and gives us a faster, better response. It is the natural balance to FEAR. It puts the conscious mind in command of the unconscious response.
Whether it is dodging natural predators in ancient days or a modern day competitor trying to outdo someone else, we are wired to certain behaviors under stress. When we breathe we pull in a whole different response team and a much more evolved one at that! Forcing yourself to empty your lungs is a conscious choice that also brings you much needed heightened blood flow to our brains. It puts you back in the power seat and NOT fear.
Survival and it’s helper, fear, are wired into the oldest and largest part of our brain. But ask yourself this – who has the most fear? Biologically speaking, those with the most to contribute to life, the greatest potential, would also get a bigger share of fear to protect them.
I am not saying that those who are fearless haven’t got much to live for, trust me, they serve an amazing purpose. You don’t see natural warriors that often! Just ask the U.S. Military. They spend a small fortune training men to fight because MOST of us are more inclined to flight or freeze then the ‘fight’ response. Even so, some of the greatest warriors built up great mental strength and discipline overcoming the natural urge to flee. It’s survival – and one of the strongest instincts we have.
Whenever I see fear markers in hands, and I have a little video to share more about that for you, I know the secret it hides! Fear is twinned with power of some kind. The power to expand, create, contribute and show up in an important way are some of the things that fear guards against. The same region of the brain lights up whether it is emotional risk, mental risk or physical risk. They all trigger the same protection mode of shutting down, backing off, holding still or a thousand other versions that keep us from expanding. But isn’t that great to know! Whenever FEAR shows up, focus on what it is protecting and not on the body guard for a powerful transition!
Now to finish up what we started with Fingerprints, it is relevant to today’s topic of Fear. Because we left Arches and Tented Arches to the last. The Arches are the most rare fingerprints with only about 5% of the population having an Arch or Tented Arch for their prints.
What is fascinating about the Arches is that FEAR is a strong component of their life lesson. Feeling safe in their body, feeling safe feeling is a challenge that doesn’t come easily to my Arched friends. Arches will keep themselves so distracted with multiple priorities that they are constantly physically dealing with one crises or dram filled event after another.
Here’s what our Arch friends have on their fingertips:
Arched fingerprintTented Arches do something similar but on a mental plane. They are forever evaluating what to do. Getting to a decision can feel overwhelming, they would often much prefer to keep on gathering data, reviewing the facts rather than actually committing to an action. Fear of getting it wrong keeps them spinning in their minds but without much corresponding action on those thoughts. Here is what our Tented Arch Prints look like
Tented ArchYou can see it literally looks like a tent pole in the middle of the arch! Fear is something this 5% of the population has wired into their fingertips and possibly into their hand. The good news is, that means there is power at their fingertips as well.
Which type are YOU?
If you want to discover this and more for yourself, please join Lisa Wednesday night, 10/19 from 7-9pm PST. This two-hour session will walk you through the types of prints and what their lesson/purpose is and the individual fingers and what they mean. The first part of class we cover the main types of prints and what they mean. The second part we cover the individual fingers and how they connect with the print type to form your Life Purpose/Life Lesson.
For those of you who want more, this is a budget-friendly way to get you to understand what those unique prints have to tell you. The two hour session is only $97, almost 50% off an individual reading with me.
Remember – when fear comes up BREATHE. That will transform it from something that stops you into something that prepares you to meet whatever the challenge is with your brain in high gear. Second, remind yourself that fear guards power. You don’t put guards on an empty vault, so the more fear you have, the more power you can tap into when you BREATHE…
Click HERE to find out MORE. This is an action-packed, fun and fast moving class! If you want more… this is one way to get it! You will learn a ton from Lisa Greenfield about yourself and others in this two-hour class.
Lisa Greenfield
Stevie Wilson,
Oral-B Professional Care SmartSeries 5000, Rechargeable Power Toothbrush
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