For anyone who wants a light-hearted Valentine’s Day gift– and there are many of us who would like that for colleagues, friends and others, there’s a lot out but time’s running out. Here are a few things you can check out!
ICONOSYS has a new “KISS MY VALENTINE” app that will keep that special person in your life or best friend knowing that you value them.
Kiss My Valentine™ Features Include the Following:
• Kiss My Valentine™ stores and provides tracking with reminders of our process (and progress) in showing appreciation for our loved ones, with gifts such as candy, cards, and flowers, among others. The App user gets a daily reminder that notifies them of the quantities/descriptions of physical items they need to shop for their special someone.
• Digital kisses, hugs, and wishes are settable from the App, to be delivered to those in the App user’s contact book on February 14th.
“You’ve received a text kiss((kiss)) & hug((hug))! Happy Valentine’s Day!”
• Send a customized digital sweetheart message, anytime, leading up to Valentine’s Day and after on any day of the year.
• Because Kiss My Valentine™ is a year round app, install it for this year and it will update and reset for the following year, keeping your Valentines list safely stored until 2013.
• Send an SMSWish™ rich-media greeting card from inside the app to your loved ones on, before, or after that Valentine’s Day.
Kiss My Valentine™ can be purchased thereafter for $1.99 for full lifetime coverage. The app is available for download from Adshark’s AppStore AppHysteria™ (, and from the Android Marketplace in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Itailian, and Chinese.
Stevie Wilson,
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