Singer/Musician Kylie Edmond Hits the Grammys: 2011 rolling into 2012! Podcast #2

If you saw the podcast from yesterday featuring Kylie Edmond, this is part 2 Kylie Edmond might not be well known on the west coast or even across the nation– yet, but she’s developing quite the fan base up and down the east coast! Check out that podcast/post for her latest single

This podcast part 2 is about Kylie’s attending the Grammys 2011 and now she is going to be in town for the 2012 Grammys as well. So you might be wondering WHY this post and podcast is so late? Here’s the one-liner:

I got rear-ended while 1 block away from seeing Kylie at the W Hollywood and after that little event– and by that night– I was pretty well beat-up and headed into my doc’s office for prescriptions for physical therapy and accupuncture. It’s taken about a year to get healed up– and I had a horrendous flare when before heading to upstate NY in July where I pretty much sat in a hot tub an hour per day. Hence lots of things have been slow in getting up. (Ok.. so it’s two lines!)

This is a L O N G podcast. We get into talking– like all girls do– about clothing, jewelry but you will hear from Kylie why she is so into helping out animals in need of rescueing. (so go back to blog #1 and donate something to Rock & Rawhide!! I did!) It’s worth listening to simply because you get the sense of what it’s like to go to a Grammy event and also the afterparties!

Here’s Kiley on Saturday night — the night before the Grammys:

Walking up to Staples Center:


On the red carpet at the Grammys

Rocking it at the Grammys 2011

Did someone say “AFTER PARTY”?

Follow Kylie Edmond at any of these places. You can find upcoming concert dates on Reverbnation and buy her music as well.

Check out Kylie’s charity Rock & Rawhide to help dogs and cats in shelters!

Thank you to Kylie Edmond for her patience and time– that entire podcast (1 & 2 was over 90 minutes).

Stevie Wilson,

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