Back to the Grammys Gifting Lounge for a second run as the DJ for the event, DJ Spark brings a lot of tunes and a certain spin on her musical vibe.
Also DJ Spark (who was recently featured on podcast on my blog) also talked about the upgrades to the Stanton Turntable for beginner/mass consumer audience.
Add into the “mix”, DJ Spark’s “student” DJ Young One who did her own mixes and spinning under Spark’s supervision.
This was one fun event!
Thanks to HippieChick Photography’s Lisa Slavik for her time.
DJ Spark & Stevie Wilson/
Dj Young one is the bomb. She will have a big advantage in this biz.
lmao!!! I was looking forward to seeing you with the cans on Stevie!
DJ Spark is amazing.. and from the podcast from 2 weeks ago, she was originally the youngest DJ at 14.. awesome! She’s amazing.
DJ YoungOne is getting the best teacher out there and such great exposure.
Got to love that