Spring Has Sprung! Time for LeSutra Cocktails for Easter Weekend

Spring has rolled in and Easter signals that it really is time to shift gears. Time to leave “winter” behind and look toward spring rolling in. With the recent celebration of Passover and now Easter, it’s definitely a time to look forward and let’s toast to the coming of sunshine and warmer temperatures (even if it hasn’t happened yet, it will be rolling around!)

Lucky LeSUTRA:


3oz LeSUTRA Blueberry Sparkling Liqueur

3oz LeSUTRA Peach Sparkling Liqueur

Half Fresh Squeezed Lime
Muddled Mint
Garnish with a Mint Leaf and Loose Blueberries
Served Over Rocks in a Highball Glass

Another way of using Le Sutra Peach Sparkling Liquer is to make a Bellini!
2 oz of Le Sutra Peach Sparkling Liqueur
Half squeezed lime,
Peach Nectar to fill the glass
Top it with a float of Prosecco or great champagne

About LeSUTRA Sparkling Liqueur

LeSUTRA is an innovative ultra premium brand of sparkling liqueurs that have and will continue to revolutionize the liqueur industry by satisfying a broad range of preferences, tastes and demographics. As the first of its kind to launch in four exhilarating flavors (strawberry, peach, grape, and blueberry), LeSUTRA is paving the way to a new experience in the luxury spirits market by infusing sparkling liqueur with premium vodka for maximum flavor and mixability, offering a fresh alternative to traditional spirits and champagne.

Stevie Wilson,

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