Eaten by the Tiger: Surrendering to an Empowered Life, by Emile Allen MD Book Review!

Emile Allen, MD was a surgeon who — while in the midst of a surgery– was electrocuted by a cautery device used to seal off blood vessels. This event nearly cost him his life but also cost him his career as a surgeon as he realized in the recovery process that being a patient was an entirely different perspective for him as well as the damage done to both body, mind and emotional state. As he tried to proceed through his recovery, he endured more damage and distress because he was not getting the care he required; nor was he facing the drastic injury to his body and brain that eventually precluded him from being a surgeon- a loss of identity that left him emotionally debilitated.


This is more than just a book about a near-death injury and recovery but it’s also a book about the rebuilding of a life and identity of a man who was very much embedded into his life as as surgeon. These events changed the way he was perceived and treated by colleagues and as a patient- something he had never experienced before. More than that, he found at that time of the injury that God was not ready for him to die because there was more work for him to do on this side of the curtain of life.

His story is clear, authentic and he drives it in a more linear fashion with segments about the impact on him physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. He talks about his loss, his confusion, his depression.
This book is a road-map to healing for anyone who has suffered an injury or an illness that causds significant changes in their life. Allen hides nothing, shares almost everything about his life, his feelings and the struggle to regain both balance and meaning in his life.


I had read this book in a galley format. I never had a hardback cover book. I was enthralled by this book. It is not a quick read– though you might try to muscle through it that way. It’s a potent, emotional book that is so authentic in its presentation that some of the things that Emile Allen talks about might bring you to tears. I certainly experienced the uncertainty and loss that he was talking about and there were more than just one or two times that I felt deep sorrow for the painful journey and yet there were obstacles he was able to overcome that gave me hope too. While I thought since the galley was pretty slim, I could crank it out in a week or less. Over 3 weeks later, I was finally done. I went back and read it again because there were still parts I seemed to miss or points that I felt were significant enough to want to make clear.


Allen has a great “voice” in this book. He leads you on a journey to the darkest parts of his soul and depression and he shares with you the road that he found brought him back and made him a complete man. Moreover, he found that as a surgeon, he had cut himself off from the emotional aspects of every patient he dealt with. As a patient, he realized that doctors needed to address not only pain but emotional pain and fear that patients and their families feel. They need reassurance as well as plain honesty spoken with kindness and concern. The man who Emile Allen was as a surgeon has evolved into an entirely different man today– a better man. Still a doctor, he helps others via speaking and writing rather than attempting to wield the scalpel he can no longer handle. He does seminars and writes for publications and on his blog.

With his innovative Life Crash Kit™: A Transformational Guide to Pattern Redesign & Everyday Awareness, Dr. Emile Allen is offering a clear approach to harnessing the tiger in all of us.

This is an amazing book. I don’t want to spill too much but this book had so much depth and meaning to me. You should read it. There is someone you know in your life who would benefit from this book. Figure out who it is and give them this book. Eaten by the Tiger: Surrendering to an Empowered Life by Emile Allen, MD

FOLLOW HIM (really, I mean FOLLOW him on social media. Talk to him. What he shared in the book will be so much more potent by reading his blogs and tweets).




Stevie Wilson,

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One thought on “Eaten by the Tiger: Surrendering to an Empowered Life, by Emile Allen MD Book Review!

  1. Pam this is one POTENT and deep book but this guy did turn his life around.. but the journey and the adjustments and physical and mental compensations would defeat most. he’s amazing

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