We all know that exercise can make you fit– if you do it on a regular basis with an emphasis on form and consistency. Everyone knows that if you fulfill those last two things, you will most likely lose some weight or see changes in your body. However did you know that exercise could help you with health issues including potentially reducing the amount of medication you need to take and other results?
Maybe you have heard of this new fitness and health book entitled The Exercise Cure by Dr. Jordan Metzl or maybe you haven’t. If you haven’t picked up the book, then do so because if you haven’t really committed to a workout or a healthier you for 2014 this is the book that will push you into it.
Not only is the book an easy DIY book on getting you started- with a slew of reasons why that are more than just to fit into a suit or a dress! It’s about good health and actually getting healthier over time! Less medications, less stress, less worry, less everything and a better you is the result. It’s an easy book to read and all the exercises he recommends are all easily done at home! That’s right– you don’t need to go to a gym. You can pick up most of the gear via garage sales, craigslist or second hair athletic gear stores besides paying full price (Avg total cost is under $400 for everything!) It’s a gift you give to yourself to destress and he also gives you tips on how to implement some of this during your workday too that will improve your focus! If you commit to this for 6 weeks, you will have more than just better looking shoulders or arms but you will have lost some weight and have improved your fitness quotient but you will have done a great deal to improve your health for a variety of reasons including decreasing your risk of heart disease and cancer as well as other diseases.
What was really interesting is that I booked a satellite interview with someone on fitness, health and exercise. Little did I know when I booked it, that it was Dr. Jordan Metzl! I had just gotten the book at that time and hadn’t read it. By the time the interview came up, I had already read the book and was ready to talk to him
Here’s the video:
Podcast of the video/interview
Thankyou to Dr. Jordan Metzl for his time in discussing The Exercise Cure book with me.
Stevie Wilson,
SALE: 50 to 60% OFF Boots, Booties, and More! Hurry, sale ends 1/26.
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