Maybe this post could have run last week since it was Father’s Day. While I thought the fashion element might work, the dermatologic related treatments might have been skipped right over. I held it because I know a lot of men who take care to spend time and bucks on their grooming – both in fashion and in personal grooming.
Recent statistics show that men are gaining on women when it comes to spending time and money to look sharp. And it’s not just about vanity, many men feel it’s critical to staying relevant and competitive.
Dressing and grooming with style in and out of the office can do a lot for how your co-workers, clients, friends and new acquaintances view you. In fact, 7 out of 10 men feel it’s important to look good physically in order to succeed personally and professionally.
This increasing desire is having a huge effect on the grooming and skincare industry. According to research, 59% of American men say that personal care products boost their self-esteem.
Celebrity stylist, Michael O’Connor is no stranger to this blog. He’s a good friend and is an expert who has become one of America’s leading voices on style trends and has all the answers when it comes to wardrobe and grooming essentials. He chats with Dr. Cameron Rokhsar about various skincare procedures and treatments men are choosing to try along with grooming tips to help guys look and feel their best.
They have joined me via satellite for this video interview. They can hear me via phone so that we can talk. They can’t see me and I can’t see them. Luckily Michael O’Connor knows me well!
Topics that Michael and Dr. Rokhsar cover include:
· Tailoring – Fit is King:
The most dramatic improvement a man can make in his style is to make sure everything fits impeccably.
· Accessories & Details:
How to add a scarf, pocket square, cufflinks, hat, and watch
· Shoes:
Good shoes show that you’re a man of taste, by getting a great pair of shoes and keeping them in pristine condition.
· Facial Hair:
Whether your preference is a few days growth, full grown, goatee or full beard – facial-hair color should match your hair color. Keep it trim and uniform.
· Brow Tweezing:
Many men today shape or pluck their brows to remove the “unibrow” look and add expression to the face. It also makes men look younger!
· Manicures and Pedicures:
Tremendously important – especially hands since they are on display + use publicly on a daily basis.
About Michael O’Connor:
Celebrity stylist, Michael O’Connor, regularly appears on a variety of television shows and is the “go-to” resource for editors and producers seeking an informed source for current trends, celebrity style and how to get the look for less. O’Connor works with numerous top celebrities. Additionally, he contributes fashion advice and trend stories to a number of print and online publications.
About Dr. Cameron K. Rokhsar, M.D., F.A.A.D., F.A.A.C.S:
Dr. Rokhsar is an internationally renowned laser surgeon, a Board Certified dermatologist and an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital. An extensively published medical author in major medical textbooks, he is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology, a Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, and a Fellow of American Society for Dermatologic Surgery.
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The fit is such a big deal. I see guys in so much badly fitting clothing all the time. They spend money to get dressed too…it should it already. These are all good tips, but that one really is number one.
Fit is everything for both men and women. Men seem to realize that seeing a tailor to fit a suit is the usual. Women don’t see it the same way.. but they should!