Tarot Expert Lisa Greenfield Shares Meaning, Actions on Tarot Card for Day 5!

Courtesy of TruthinHand.com, Lisa Greenfield (who is TruthinHand.com’s resident hand expert) is sharing a Tarot Card of the Week (which will be featured every week) as well as Tarot Card of the Day. With each daily draw, Lisa gives a short bit of insight as to the card’s meaning.

You can win your own 3 card/1 question reading from Lisa Greenfield in nothing flat. Comment on these Tarot Card posts that you see. The more you comment, the more entries you get. Try a comment on each of the daily posts .. and start a conversation!

You can win your own 3 card/1 question reading from Lisa Greenfield in nothing flat. Comment on these Tarot Card posts that you see on this blog or post a tweet directed to @TruthinHand and @LAStory about this post to enter to win! The more you comment or tweet, the more entries you get. Start a conversation!

(Comments can go back a week or two at most. You cannot go back to 2015 posts to earn points to get a free reading)

Welcome to Tarot Card of The Day a Week at a time.
If you’ve received this thanks to someone sharing it with you and want to be sure you get your own copy, go to TruthinHand.com and opt in to join the fun. It’s my way of giving you some of my favorite creation tools, to make the best stories of each day. Share them with someone you love. There’s power in the story we tell ourselves and my wish for you is these snippets help make your world a bigger, better creation!

The Card of the Week gives an overall theme to help kick in extra layers of meaning around the card of the day. Use it as a pair of night vision goggles to help clarify what’s been out of focus or shadowed.

Card of the Week: February 15-21, 2016 Read the card of the week information here

Card Of The Day:

This information does not decide anything for you my friend. It simply gives you additional insight to help shape the story you tell yourself about whatever is happening. Play with it, let in inspire. Lisa pulls from many different Tarot Decks for her interpretation but the images and some excerpts in this post are from the beloved Wildwood Tarot Deck.

Day Five

7 of bows clearance

Seven of Bows


This seven says you are on higher ground then you think you are. We get used to battling for things, pushing against obstacles, so much so that we look for them even when they are no where to be found. Relax, let it be a bit easier today. There is space for resting and taking stock of what you’ve done and what’s left to do. Don’t make it harder than it has to be. Where do you feel better testing yourself against and opponent and arguing for a cause? Now imagine yourself in a tug of war with the other side and picture letting go of the rope. Just let it drop, whew! No struggle required anymore… Finding that hard to do? Practice, practice, practice.

Take Action:

Walk yourself through your own version of the guided imagery of the tug of war. Get the details down, what are you wearing, what words are pinned to the rope being yanked back and forth. Really play with the picture. Then see yourself letting go of the rope and your opponent falling back shocked at the easy release of pressure. You win today when you don’t PLAY.

Have a great week!

Lisa Greenfield

Find Lisa Greenfield at www.TruthinHand.com
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Gratitude and appreciation for Lisa Greenfield’s contribution to this site!!

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One thought on “Tarot Expert Lisa Greenfield Shares Meaning, Actions on Tarot Card for Day 5!

  1. This is a fabulous card for me. The struggle for things that do not matter should be simple to drop, but first you need to reach the point of knowing what does not matter. I love the image of dropping the rope in tug of war..brilliant!

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